
Sleep Furiously (2009)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 34M

Director : Gideon Koppel


Set in a small farming community in mid Wales, a place where Koppel's parents - both refugees - found a home. This is a landscape and population that is changing rapidly as small scale agriculture is disappearing and the generation who inhabited a pre-mechanised world is dying out. Much influenced by his conversations with the writer Peter Handke, the film maker leads us on a poetic and profound journey into a world of endings and beginnings; a world of stuffed owls, sheep and fire.



Gideon Koppel
Gideon Koppel
Mike Figgis
Mike Figgis
Executive Producer
Serge Lalou
Serge Lalou
Executive Producer
Margaret Matheson
Margaret Matheson
Aphex Twin
Aphex Twin
Original Music Composer
Mario Battistel
Mario Battistel
Tim Alban
Tim Alban
Christer Melén
Christer Melén
Sound Effects Editor
Gideon Koppel
Gideon Koppel
Gideon Koppel
Gideon Koppel
Director of Photography

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