
Delphine 1, Yvan 0 (1996)

Género : Comedia

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 31M

Director : Dominique Farrugia


C'est une histoire d'amour banale présentée comme un match de foot ordinaire. Ce sont donc Thierry Roland et Jean-Michel Larqué qui commentent, avec leurs mots (d'amour) et leurs noms (d'oiseaux), la première année de vie en couple de Delphine et Yvan, filmés pas à pas, dans leurs ébats et leurs éclats.


Julie Gayet
Julie Gayet
Alain Chabat
Alain Chabat
Dominique Farrugia
Dominique Farrugia
Lionel Abelanski
Lionel Abelanski
Amélie Pick
Amélie Pick
Thierry Roland
Thierry Roland
Jean-Michel Larqué
Jean-Michel Larqué
Daniel Russo
Daniel Russo
Monsieur Hattus
Chantal Lauby
Chantal Lauby
Madame Hattus
Serge Hazanavicius
Serge Hazanavicius
Philippe Chany
Philippe Chany


Dominique Farrugia
Dominique Farrugia

Recomendar películas

Bonjour l'angoisse
Anxious and shy, Michaud works for a company that specializes in alarms, safes and other security devices.
Les rois du gag
Paul Martin and François Leroux are brothers-in-law and comics without fame. One day, the famous television comics, Gaëtan, finds himself in the little theater where Paul and François produce themselves under the name of "Gagsters".
Aldo et Junior
The confrontation of a sixty-eight-year-old father and his son with conservative ideas.
Casque bleu
Winegrower Patrick Ponsac comes close to ruining his marriage when he has an affair with another woman. By way of atonement, he takes his wife back to the Mediterranean island where, 13 years earlier, they spent their honeymoon. Not such a good move, as it turns out. The peacemaking holiday coincides with the outbreak of a bloody civil war. Having failed to leave the country, Patrick, his wife and their eccentric entourage are taken hostage by merciless guerrillas…
Le beauf
Gilbert, assigned to incinerate old banknotes at the Bank of France, lives with his wife, Gisèle, and his young son, Thomas. A few years earlier, he had formed a rock band with Serge and Gisèle's brother, Marc. The latter, abusing his naivety, make him believe that he has been robbed of a briefcase containing a million dollars and that, because of his fault, Marc is in danger of dying. The objective is to force Gilbert to put his incinerator out of order to facilitate the bank robbery. Gilbert refuses at first, then gives in. But he discovers that he has been cheated. To get revenge, he tells the police the date and time of the robbery.
Fantôme avec chauffeur
A chauffeur for a corrupt CEO, and a few hours later, his boss himself, are killed by the industrialist's associate. But their ghosts remain on Earth, and they try to tell the millionaire's teenage son the identity of the killer.
Le Déménagement
Qui n'a pas connu le stress d'un déménagement ? Surtout quand on est un jeune écrivain comme Alain, sur le point de quitter une bonne maison d'édition pour écrire un sitcom pour la télévision, que sa femme est sur le point d'accoucher et de surcroît quand les déménageurs sont des Roumains qui travaillent au noir et qu'ils n'ont pas vraiment le sens de la ponctualité...
Mamá, hay un hombre blanco en tu cama
Romuald es un ejecutivo de una fábrica de yogures, un tiburón de las finanzas dispuesto a todo con tal de conservar su puesto. Juliette, que trabaja en la misma fábrica como limpiadora nocturna, es una mujer negra que tiene cinco hijos, cada uno de un padre distinto. Su encuentro parece, más que improbable, imposible. Sin embargo, se verán unidos por un hecho inesperado: un complot que obliga a Romuald a buscar refugio en la humilde casa de Juliette, con cuya ayuda acabará por desenmascarar a sus enemigos.
The Vengeance of the Winged Serpent
An international intrigue with terrorists threatening to blow up the presidents of the most powerful countries.
Should Not!...
Bernard, an executive for a big company, tries to get home in time for his wedding but is caught in the middle of a mass suicide. He saves a sect member who then follows him like a puppy, and is chased by the sect leaders, two over-the-top crooks with bloated egos and a craving for money.
Dead Tired
Stressed and overworked, famous French movie star Michel Blanc is beginning to wear down, physically and mentally, from the pressure and demands of fame. Already in a fragile state of mind, strange events start to transpire all around him, and he gradually loses his grip. Taking the advice of a psychiatrist, Blanc retreats to the countryside with his friend Carole Bouquet, but Blanc still has not managed to escape all of his problems.
Will the High Salaried Workers Raise Their Hands!
The cynical boss of a big insurance agency invites his top-salary employees to spend a week-end in his country house. A modest clerical worker, also invited, discovers the hidden reason for this party - and decides to take advantage of it.
My Best Friend's Girl
The charming Pascal, owner of a clothing store in Courchevel, and the chubby and scruffy Micky, disc jockey in a nearby club, are best of friends. Pascal accumulates women, much to the chagrin of Micky, who is consoled of his failures by listening to his friend talk about his successes. Viviane arises, ravishing and icy, but she's seasonal. Pascal, sincerely in love, seduces her and then leaves. This is a dire situation for Micky: Pascal is far away and the beauty is so kind to him. Complications arise once Pascal returns.
Ladies' Choice
As a result of an automobile accident, a sophisticated TV producer meets her car mechanic/blue collar nemesis. They start a comic affair, but can they reconcile their totally different worlds?
Madman at War
Narra las andanzas, durante la guerra de Libia, de Lupi, un subteniente especializado en psiquiatría, y Oscar Pilli, un oficial médico que muestra un comportamiento muy extraño.
The Woman of My Life
Simon, a famous violinist, sinks into alcoholism. He finds support from his lover, who is also the manager of the orchestra in which he plays. But is she really helping him or is she exploiting his dependence on her? A man who has been through the same experience as Simon, offers to help him...
Whatever You Say
Bastien, an ambitious young production assistant, catches the attention of Jean-Louis, a producer of high regard, and is granted a shot at his own television show.
Los que me quieren cogerán el tren
Antes de morir, un célebre artista expresa dos deseos: que lo entierren en un famoso cementerio que está en la lejana ciudad de Limoges y que sus parientes cojan el tren para asistir a su funeral. Tras su muerte, su numerosa familia cumple la voluntad del artista. Durante el viaje se desatará un torrente de emociones entre los parientes que no se habían visto desde hacía mucho tiempo.
Everything Must Disappear
Robert Millard has based his industrial kingdom - based on all the noise technologies - thanks to his marriage with the wealthy and cantankerous Irene, he blithely cheat for years. However, his last link with his pretty secretary, Eve, is the straw that broke the camel : Irene has indeed hired a detective-photographer, aptly named M.Colle order to have a maximum of incriminating shots. Threatened to divorce and thus to total ruin by his wife, the unfaithful husband should give up and dismiss Eve.
Black Mic Mac
This is a charming and successful farce from director Thomas Gilou, featuring a witty screenplay co-authored by producer Monique Annaud. When a group of African squatters in Paris are threatened with eviction, they find themselves fighting against a bureaucracy that few French citizens understand, let alone immigrants. In desperation, they turn to their best option to resolve this dilemma: they call for a sorcerer from home. The sorcerer hops on a jet to Paris to cast spells on the entrenched bureaucrat, and while en route he strikes up a conversation with a fellow passenger, mentioning his job pays quite well. The interested passenger could stand to make a few extra francs, so he decides to take the sorcerer's place. Once he arrives, this imposter has to act like he knows what he is doing, and at the same time, he had better solve the eviction problem.