
Arsena (1937)

Género : Acción, Drama, Fantasía

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 34M

Director : Mikheil Chiaureli
Escritor : Mikheil Chiaureli


XIX century peasants' revolt and the life story of bandit Arsena Odzelashvili.


Spartak Bagashvili
Spartak Bagashvili
Nato Vachnadze
Nato Vachnadze
Aleksandre Imedashvili
Aleksandre Imedashvili
Nutsa Chkheidze
Nutsa Chkheidze
Veriko Anjaparidze
Veriko Anjaparidze
Victor Gamkrelidze
Victor Gamkrelidze
Ivane Perestiani
Ivane Perestiani
Baron Rozen
Piotr Morskoy
Piotr Morskoy
Vasiliy Matov
Vasiliy Matov
Sepe Lortkipanidze
Sepe Lortkipanidze
Prince Tsitsishvili
Zura Lejava
Zura Lejava


S. Shanshiashvili
S. Shanshiashvili
Poko Murgulia
Poko Murgulia
Aleksandre Digmelovi
Aleksandre Digmelovi
Grigol Kiladze
Grigol Kiladze
Vasili Dolenko
Vasili Dolenko
Tamari Abakelya
Tamari Abakelya
Production Design
Irakli Gamrekeli
Irakli Gamrekeli
Production Design
Shalva Gedevanishvili
Shalva Gedevanishvili
Assistant Director
N. Jujunadze
N. Jujunadze
Assistant Director
Rostislav Lapinski
Rostislav Lapinski
Mikheil Chiaureli
Mikheil Chiaureli
Mikheil Chiaureli
Mikheil Chiaureli

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