
Bill Burr: Let It Go (2010)

Género : Comedia

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 5M

Director : Shannon Hartman


It’s always been a dream of mine to do a show at the Fillmore. The name itself is synonymous with legendary performances. Countless iconic musicians and comedians have been on that stage. To be a part of that history was something I’ll never forget. As much as I was trying to keep my head together before the show, I couldn’t help but feel like a tourist or just some random dude who won a contest. LET IT GO represents the culmination of material I developed on the road from 2008-2009. As always thanks to everyone who came out to my shows, laughed at the funny stuff and stared during the bombing. I hope you enjoy it. – Bill Burr


Bill Burr
Bill Burr


Bill Burr
Bill Burr
Bill Burr
Bill Burr
Executive Producer
Dave Becky
Dave Becky
Executive Producer
Michelle Caputo
Michelle Caputo
Shannon Hartman
Shannon Hartman

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