Vacations at Grandma's (1976)

Género : Familia, Aventura

Tiempo de ejecución : 59M

Director : Dušan Kodaj


An original television film about a city who goes to the village for vacations and finds real friends there.


Ľudovít Greššo
Ľudovít Greššo
Igor Hrabinský
Igor Hrabinský
Matej Landl
Matej Landl
Mária Markovičová
Mária Markovičová
Lotar Radványi
Lotar Radványi
Ivan Rajniak
Ivan Rajniak
Božidara Turzonovová
Božidara Turzonovová


Dušan Kodaj
Dušan Kodaj
Dušan Kodaj
Dušan Kodaj

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