
Pussy Kills (2017)

Not All Pussies are Cute and Cuddly

Género : Suspense

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 23M

Director : Gabriel Black


While investigating the brutal murder of her parents, a young woman is kidnapped, raped, and left for dead. On All Hallows Eve she comes back dressed as a blood-thirsty pussycat keen on taking the souls of the men who destroyed her world.


Lina Maya
Lina Maya
Susie / Pussy
Izzy Martinez
Izzy Martinez
Mitch Lemos
Mitch Lemos
Kraig Million
Kraig Million
Dave Jia
Dave Jia
Ana Margarita Jones
Ana Margarita Jones
Susie's Mom
Anthony Correa
Anthony Correa
Susie's Dad
Chiko Mendez
Chiko Mendez
Joel Rod
Joel Rod


Gabriel Black
Gabriel Black
Gabriel Black
Gabriel Black
Gabriel Black
Gabriel Black
Director of Photography

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