
Paxir Kam Amusnacir (2016)

Género :

Tiempo de ejecución : 0M

Director : Hayk Kbeyan



Mkrtich Arzumanyan
Mkrtich Arzumanyan
Iveta Mukuchyan
Iveta Mukuchyan
Hasmik Alexanian
Hasmik Alexanian
Levon Avetisyan
Levon Avetisyan
Shogher Grigoryan
Shogher Grigoryan
Tigran Gyulymyan
Tigran Gyulymyan
Satenik Hambartzumyan
Satenik Hambartzumyan
Hayk Mirzoyan
Hayk Mirzoyan


Mkrtich Arzumanyan
Mkrtich Arzumanyan
Tigran Hambardzumyan
Tigran Hambardzumyan
Hayk Kbeyan
Hayk Kbeyan
Ashot Abrahamyan
Ashot Abrahamyan

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