
The China Hustle (2018)

There are no good guys in this story.

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 24M

Director : Jed Rothstein


An unsettling and eye-opening Wall Street horror story about Chinese companies, the American stock market, and the opportunistic greed behind the biggest heist you've never heard of.


Dan David
Dan David
Matthew Wiechert
Matthew Wiechert
Carson Block
Carson Block
Jim Chanos
Jim Chanos
Soren Aandahl
Soren Aandahl
Maj Soueidnn
Maj Soueidnn
Alexandra Stevenson
Alexandra Stevenson
Crocker Coulson
Crocker Coulson
Dune Lawrence
Dune Lawrence
Drew Bernstein
Drew Bernstein
Gregory Coleman
Gregory Coleman
Herb Greenberg
Herb Greenberg
Jon Carnes
Jon Carnes
Kun Wong
Kun Wong
Mitchell Nussbaum
Mitchell Nussbaum
Paul Gillis
Paul Gillis
Ping Wong
Ping Wong
Richard Teitelbaum
Richard Teitelbaum
Roddy Boyd
Roddy Boyd
Wesley Clark
Wesley Clark
Y.Y. Chan
Y.Y. Chan


Jed Rothstein
Jed Rothstein
Jed Rothstein
Jed Rothstein
Saul Simon MacWilliams
Saul Simon MacWilliams
Tom Hurwitz
Tom Hurwitz
Director of Photography
Mark Cuban
Mark Cuban
Executive Producer
Alex Gibney
Alex Gibney
Executive Producer
Ben Cosgrove
Ben Cosgrove
Executive Producer
Jeff Cuban
Jeff Cuban
Executive Producer
Stacey Offman
Stacey Offman
Executive Producer
Ryan Suffern
Ryan Suffern
Sarah Gibson
Sarah Gibson
Brian Goetz
Brian Goetz
Keith Reamer
Keith Reamer
Richard Perello
Richard Perello
Co-Executive Producer
Todd Wagner
Todd Wagner
Executive Producer
Frank Marshall
Frank Marshall
Executive Producer
Erin Edeiken
Erin Edeiken
Devorah DeVries
Devorah DeVries
Line Producer
Sarit G. Work
Sarit G. Work
Supervising Producer

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