
Innocent (2005)

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 20M

Director : Simon Chung


17-year-old Eric follows his parents to immigrate to Canada and is thus forced to confront different emotional and cultural problems. He must not only adjust to the new environment, but also come to terms with his homosexuality. Standing at the brink of adulthood, he encounters a series of potential romantic interests - his handsome cousin, a schoolmate, a middle aged lawyer and finally a kitchen helper. They represent different stages in Eric's development, from infatuation, sex, love to a sense of responsibility.


Po Chan
Po Chan
Hong Kong Friend
Timothy Lee
Timothy Lee
Eric Tang
Larry Peloso
Larry Peloso
David Yee
David Yee
David Song Wei Liu
David Song Wei Liu
Ah Cheng


Simon Chung
Simon Chung
Simon Chung
Simon Chung
Simon Chung
Simon Chung
Paul Lee
Paul Lee
Eric Wiegand
Eric Wiegand
Line Producer
Kevin Poon
Kevin Poon
Vinit Borrison
Vinit Borrison
Director of Photography

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