
Gardens of Athos - Transfiguration (1989)

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 28M

Director : Stojan Stojčić
Escritor : Slaven Radovanović


A story of spiritual resistance to physical political persecution. Set after the Russian revolution, when communist zealots hunt down everyone who will not forswear their Orthodox Catholic ways.


Tanasije Uzunović
Tanasije Uzunović
Igor Vasiljev
Nenad Nedinić
Nenad Nedinić
Mihail Hunchback
Neda Arnerić
Neda Arnerić
Petar Božović
Petar Božović
Žarko Laušević
Žarko Laušević
Sava slikar
Milutin 'Mima' Karadžić
Milutin 'Mima' Karadžić
Dušan Janićijević
Dušan Janićijević
Elizabeta Đorevska
Elizabeta Đorevska
Danica Maksimović
Danica Maksimović
Ljubomir Ćipranić
Ljubomir Ćipranić
Gojko Šantić
Gojko Šantić
Снежана Савић
Снежана Савић
Danilo "Bata" Stojković
Jozef Počik
Jozef Počik
Bata Živojinović
Bata Živojinović
Melita Bihali
Melita Bihali
Dragan Kresoja
Dragan Kresoja
Danilo Bošković
Danilo Bošković
Silva Deloska
Silva Deloska
Branislav 'Ciga' Jerinić
Branislav 'Ciga' Jerinić
Božji glas


Stojan Stojčić
Stojan Stojčić
Slaven Radovanović
Slaven Radovanović

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