
North Korea's Deadly Dictator (2017)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 50M

Director : Jane McMullen


The assassination of Kim Jong-nam occurred on 13 February 2017 when two women attacked him with VX nerve agent, a lethal chemical weapon, at Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Malaysia. Kim was the eldest son of deceased North Korean leader Kim Jong-il and the half-brother of current North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. North Korean diplomats objected to any form of autopsy being conducted on Kim's body, but the autopsy proceeded as the they did not submit a formal protest. Following Malaysia's refusal to release the body immediately, North Korea's ambassador Kang Chol accused Malaysia of collaborating with the country's enemies over the assassination of Kim Jong-nam.


Kim Jong-nam
Kim Jong-nam
Sue Mi Terry
Sue Mi Terry
Yoji Gomi
Yoji Gomi
Yoji Gomi
Yoji Gomi
Kim Dong-sik
Kim Dong-sik
Kim Dong-sik
Kim Dong-sik
Michael Madden
Michael Madden


Jane McMullen
Jane McMullen
Jay Dacey
Jay Dacey

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