Ingression (2010)
Greatest drug in the life
Género : Terror
Tiempo de ejecución : 0M
Director : Andrey Iskanov
After his wife Lucy walks out on him, Alexander tries to seek solace in alcohol and drugs, but the pain just won't go away. He is given the address of a mysterious man who claims to have the answer; a strange, powerful narcotic that will take away his anguish. Alexander can't take any more so he visits the dealer and is given the drug. For a while he feels fine, life is good again, until he realizes that shadowy figures are pursuing him. He tries to escape but there is no hiding from the Ingression.
Tallinn, Estonia, days before outbreak of World War II. Hotel detective and Polish writer team up to find Tear of the Prince of Darkness, a legendary ring which can bring Satan’s rule over the world.
Group of Cossacks are coming to Moscow to buy an ox. Moscow turns out to be a devilish hole crowded with witches. Some local witch seduces one of the Cossacks, Kolka Smagin and robs him of his eyes, giving him alien blue ones instead. Now Kolka and his uncle Zarubin are ready to start World War III in order to get the eyes back. The quest begins.
Pastor Talnoх furiously urges the flock to fight temptations, but he himself becomes a victim of temptation. In his house appears Satan, pushing the hero to theft and spiritual fall.
A young couple encounters supernatural terror in their new home.
Seis amigos se cuelan en un garito, llamado Phobos, que está de reformas tras haber sido en su tiempo un búnker, para echarse unas risas, suponemos que colocarse y hacer el gamba. Entonces la puerta se cierra automáticamente y tendrán que hacer frente a sus miedos y “fobias” para conseguir salir del club.
A perfect bank heist turns deadly when the robbers and their hostages flee to the abandoned underground subway station where they encounter the Trackman, a deformed madman that prowls the darkness.
Demons cross the divide between the world of dreams and waking reality to capture a victim and drag him back to their nightmarish realm.
Though the film has synopsis, consider it as a visual poem. Like a photograph - moment in time, without ending or beginning, a glimpse of episode of someone's life. A fading dream. The story follows an old lady whose husband was a member of a secret guild, the sacred worship. For centuries it guarded the closed Door in a silent, isolated house at the end of the world. The Door was sealed so long ago, that no one can remember what was hidden behind it. After the unexpected death of her husband, she was the last who knows about the secret, that had been kept for centuries.
Historia provincial, bellamente representada en el espíritu del siniestro detective. Dina, la estudiante del Instituto Pedagógico, viene a la práctica al pequeño pueblo paralizado por el miedo. Una serie de asesinatos misteriosos que parecen chicas muy diferentes obligando a los residentes a pensar que es una obra de un maníaco.
Two people in love will find a hut in the woods that they decide to sleep in. The cottage is located on the shore of a lake and beautiful views is just a shadow of an ax stuck in the executioner's block of wood near the house. When they wake up one morning, they see a peacock and the cottage has been transformed into a beautiful palace...
In the future, a team of astronauts are sent on a ten year journey to a distant planet to find new life. On their way, they encounter a large, abandoned spaceship that is drifting in the orbit of a mysterious planet. They board the ship with anticipation of the great discoveries to uncover inside. However, they do not know what terrible secret this spacecraft keeps -- a nightmarish threat which is far bigger and scarier than anything they could have imagined.
Матерый вампир граф Дарлак возвращается в свой замок после столетнего отсутствия. У него прекрасный аппетит, и вскоре начинают пропадать и умирать люди. И только слуга графа, человек по имени Адам, остается жив и здоров. Хотя единственное его желание... самому стать вампиром. Адам - жертва кораблекрушения. В свое время граф подобрал его на берегу моря, вылечил и сделал его своим "дневным представителем". Адам - послушное орудие в руках зла, но любое орудие однажды может выйти из-под контроля.
Francia, Siglo XIX. Stoker está dando un paseo con su padre en carro, cuando de repente son atacados por un grupo de amazonas que quieren librar al mundo de los hombres, ayudadas por una legión de ratas sedientas de sangre. Stoker es así pues capturado y llevado ante la reina de las amazonas. (FILMAFFINITY)
While hosting a game of cards one night, Narumov tells his friends a story about his grandmother, a Countess. As a young woman, she had once incurred an enormous gambling debt, which she was able to erase by learning a secret that guaranteed that she could win by playing her cards in a certain order. One of Narumov's friends, German, has never gambled, but he is intrigued by the story about the Countess and her secret. He soon becomes obsessed with learning this secret from her, and he starts by courting her young ward Lizaveta, hoping to use her to gain access to the Countess.
Rita and Andrey have a little housewarming party. It doesn't matter that the apartment is not their own, but rented, and on the outskirts of Yakutsk no loss. The newlyweds film their personal life on a video camera without realizing there is someone else at home besides them.
En la actualidad, los fantasmas de Moscú de tres niñas pequeñas asesinadas por su loca madre escogen al azar a una persona para que la vigile durante tres días. Si durante este "período de prueba" las normas morales de la persona no parecen ser lo suficientemente altas como para Las Hijas, entonces matenlas utilizando la telequinesia.
One hooker found hanging in a meat van, another is sawed in half while a policewoman is mercilessly slashed to pieces. A detective, haunted by his lack of results, vents his frustration by abusing the same women who are being preyed upon by the mysterious killer. For the police and the hookers of this small east European town, there seems to be no end to the sadistic nightmare.
Marina (Alyona Babenko) is a journalist contemplating retiring, bored of writing stories of serial killers and murders that are front page news one day, and then are quickly forgotten the next. At a large house a lawyer is holed up, police are in the front garden, snipers on the roof and the lawyer asks for Marina. She’s a little surprised by this as she and the lawyer have only crossed paths a few times during her career, but agrees to go to the lawyers house. Arriving at the house she’s confronted by the large police presence, she’s given a quick debrief of the situation and requested not to go into the house. She declines and enters the house. Just inside the front door is the lawyers wife, she tell Marina that he’s lost it and locked the children in their rooms and that he’s going to kill them all.
The protagonist in "Bastards" is a young resident of some Russian city. He unsuccessfully tries to adapt to the modern Russian savage life. The world around him lives by rules dictated by the black market and Chechen wars. It is a cruel and unjust world, where you can survive only with a bunch of stolen dollars instead of brains. For a young Russian, money is a symbol of power and strength. Even the new state ideology feeds on blood oil dollars. In Russia there is no more room for dreams. This is the era of anti-utopia.