
My Trip to Al-Qaeda (2010)

Behind the Scenes in the War on Terror

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 26M

Director : Alex Gibney


Journalist Lawrence Wright brings his multilayered one-man play to the screen as he discusses how a reporter remains objective while covering highly charged issues such as 9/11, Al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden's past and the history of Islam. Wright examines the Muslim religion, Al-Qaeda's rise to power and bin Laden's complicated relationship with the rulers of Saudi Arabia in this riveting documentary from Academy Award-winning director Alex Gibney.


Lawrence Wright
Lawrence Wright


Alex Gibney
Alex Gibney
Alan Buchman
Alan Buchman
Alex Gibney
Alex Gibney
Alexandra Johnes
Alexandra Johnes
Alison Ellwood
Alison Ellwood
Kendall McCarthy
Kendall McCarthy
Patricia Barnes Matthews
Patricia Barnes Matthews
Executive Producer
Dana O'Keefe
Dana O'Keefe
Executive Producer
Max Richter
Max Richter
Original Music Composer
Maryse Alberti
Maryse Alberti
Director of Photography
Anthony Fatato
Anthony Fatato

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