Murder at Covent Garden (1932)

Género : Crimen

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 32M

Director : Michael Barringer, Leslie S. Hiscott


A detective goes undercover and poses as a criminal to try to discover the reasons behind the murder of a night club owner.


Dennis Neilson-Terry
Dennis Neilson-Terry
Jack Trencham
Anne Grey
Anne Grey
Helen Osmond
Walter Fitzgerald
Walter Fitzgerald
Donald Walpace
Henri De Vries
Henri De Vries
Van Blond
George Curzon
George Curzon
Fred Pease
Fred Pease
Binnie Barnes
Binnie Barnes


Michael Barringer
Michael Barringer
Leslie S. Hiscott
Leslie S. Hiscott
Michael Barringer
Michael Barringer
H. Fowler Mear
H. Fowler Mear
William J. Makin
William J. Makin
Julius Hagen
Julius Hagen
Cyril Stanborough
Cyril Stanborough
Still Photographer

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