House of Numbers (1957)
Actually filmed in SAN QUENTIN
Género : Crimen
Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 30M
Director : Russell Rouse
Story of twin brothers - one trying to help another escape from prison.
A leading psychologist's much younger wife begins an extramarital affair with his close friend. When the doctor finds out, he plots revenge, which puts himself, his wife, his close friend and his brother in mortal danger.
A Counterspy in the US military is killed under suspicious circumstances. His friend, Jerry Baldwin, a Navy Commander, is assigned to replace him and stop a saboteur in a torpedo factory.
Four prisoners, in convicts' stripes, march backwards down stairs and, under the watchful eyes of guards, hop backwards into their cells. Later, one overpowers a guard and springs his three pals. But, will they be able to pull off an escape? Other guards come to the aid of their fallen comrade before all four felons can flee. Guards and convicts spring forward and backward out of cells, up and down stairs, and into and out of freedom.
Un hombre es injustamente condenado y enviado a cumplir la condena a una de las peores prisiones del territorio.
El arrogante Arizmendi, campeón de pelota vasca, vive intoxicado por sus triunfos y desdeña a las mujeres que lo aman. Un chantaje compromete a Arizmendi a perder un partido. Convencido de poder salirse con la suya, Arizmendi no cumple el pacto y debe enfrentar la venganza del villano Marcial Gómez
A rookie cop joins the crime branch of the Mumbai police department, and on his first assignment is faced with the dilemma of whether he should shoot a murder suspect who is attempting to escape or not.
An escaped prisoner flees to the South American jungle, where he must survive not only wild animals and disease but also a ferocious Indian tribe.
Obligado a cumplir condena por matar a dos hombres en defensa propia, Billy Reynolds, antiguo ayudante del sheriff, es encarcelado en la prisión de máxima seguridad de la comarca. Allí se encontrará con Jessie Gormar, un hombre cruel y despiadado que prometió matarle cuando saliera de prisión.
Crazed scientist Herbert Von Krantz invents a device to sterilize all nuclear weapons, and a mad herd of rival spies desperately try to get their hands on it.
The action takes place in Ephesus in ancient Asia Minor, and the concerns The efforts of two boys from Syracuse, Anthipholus and his servant Dromio, to find their long-lost twins who, for reason of plot confusion, are also named Anthipholus and Dromio. Complications arise when the wife of the Ephesians, Adriana and her servant Luce, mistake the two strangers for their husband, though the couples eventually get sorted out after Adriana's sister Luciana and the Syracuse Antipholus admit their love
Film noir parody with a private eye trying to solve the murder of his milkman.
Historia que arranca en 1885 y que narra los habituales conflictos en los límites que separan Gales de Inglaterra. Se centra en la historia de una familia, concretamente en dos hermanos gemelos y llega hasta los años sesenta. Uno mira hacia una parte de la Colina Negra y el otro en sentido contrario. Sus conflictos son también fronterizos.
An educated, upscale young black musician marries a woman from a lower socioeconomic class to get her out of the clutches of her stepfather.
An ex-military accountant is recruited by the FBI to infiltrate the mob in Chicago in an attempt to break open the rackets. To complicate his job, two women stand in his way, each with their own agenda.
One time members of a resistance group come together every year to remember their dead leader, betrayed to and executed by the Nazis. When it seems that they might finally know the name of the traitor - and that he or she comes from within their own unit - their annual gathering becomes a deadly trial...
Es posible que haya sido condenado por violar y asesinar a seis mujeres jóvenes o puede que sea un adolescente herido que ha iniciado una relación por correo, sólo un chico guapo que no podía ser culpable. Lo hizo él ... o no?
Judith has just been paroled for a crime which her vindictive, jealous, violent husband, Gene, fingered her for. Gene is in prison for life. She claims that she had no knowledge of Gene's criminal activity, but FBI agent Lee Laird doesn't buy it.
Twin brothers Leon and Noel share their parents, their school and their bunk bed. But when Leon becomes interested in Abi and Abi becomes interested in Noel, a love triangle threatens to tear the twins apart - until Noel makes a declaration of his own.
Rodrigo Saracho huye después de haber cometido un asesinato. En su huída recuerda las circunstancias que lo orillaron a matar a don Saúl, jefe de un grupo de mafiosos. Rodrigo era un boxeador con mucho futuro que se vió envuelto en el tráfico de drogas. Al querer reiniciar su vida, Rodrigo se da cuenta de que está atrapado y que la única manera de zafarse es por la fuerza.