
Kaaviyyan (2019)

Challenge To Win

Género : Suspense, Acción

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 56M

Director : I. V. Parthasarathy


Akilan Vishwanathan, an Indian cop known for his intellectual mind, chases the culprit involved in a multiple kidnapping and murder in Las Vegas. Will he be able to succeed?


Akilan Vishwanathan
Athmeeya Rajan
Athmeeya Rajan
Cyber Baskar
Sathyan Sivakumar
Sathyan Sivakumar
Sasha Sridevi Kumar
Sasha Sridevi Kumar


I. V. Parthasarathy
I. V. Parthasarathy
K V Shabarreesh
K V Shabarreesh
N S Rajesh Kumar
N S Rajesh Kumar
Director of Photography
Suresh Merlin
Suresh Merlin
Still Photographer
Mohan Rajan
Mohan Rajan
M J Raju
M J Raju
Sound Mixer
John Britto
John Britto
Art Direction
T N Kabilan
T N Kabilan
Art Direction
Vishnu Deva
Vishnu Deva
Arun Thomas
Arun Thomas
P Kuppusamy
P Kuppusamy
Makeup Artist
Stun Siva
Stun Siva
Stunt Coordinator
Syam Mohan MM
Syam Mohan MM
Original Music Composer

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