
Mai 68 (1974)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 3H 10M

Director : Gudie Lawaetz, Jérôme Kanapa


A montage film that begins in May 1, 68 and ends in mid-June. Everything is there: the students of Nanterre in revolt, the demonstrations, the cobbles, the barricades, the rioting nights, the busy Sorbonne, the happening of the Odeon, the factories on strike and Séguy who gets on the bandwagon , the general protest, 10 million French without work, de Gaulle and The reform, yes, the doglit, no, the Gaullist demonstration of May 30, Grenelle, the death of a high school student, the offensive Pompidou and the return in the factories.



Gudie Lawaetz
Gudie Lawaetz
Jérôme Kanapa
Jérôme Kanapa

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