Aathma (1993)

Género : Acción, Misterio, Suspense

Tiempo de ejecución : 2H 20M

Director : Prathap Pothan
Escritor : Prathap Pothan


Raghu, an atheist archaeologist, and his father goes to an isolated village for research, his father disappears mysteriously and Raghu finds out a strange prophecy : God will come to earth on Purnima day at the Nagakali Amman temple and the people who will submerge completely under the waterfall near the temple will be cured of any disease. His colleague Pathma informs her blind Journalist friend Divya and the news reaches the public. Pathma is in love with Naveen, in the final stages of cancer. Soon, an atheist terrorist group, led by Saravanan, try to destroy the temple. Saravanan's sister and brother-in-law were brutally killed by the temple's donor. Police officer Hari, Divya's brother, is charged with eradicating the terrorist group. Pathma believes in this prophecy, gets married to Naveen and takes him to the temple. Divya compels Hari to come with him to restore her sight and he agrees. A race against the clock starts.


Gautami Tadimalla
Gautami Tadimalla
Kasturi Shankar
Kasturi Shankar
Riyaz Khan
Riyaz Khan
Raghu's father and Nagalinga Siddhar
Vikas Rishi
Vikas Rishi
Vimalraj Ganesan
Vimalraj Ganesan
Naveen's mother
Saravanan's Sister
Venniradai Moorthy
Venniradai Moorthy
A. K. Veerasamy
A. K. Veerasamy
Esakki Muthu
Chinni Jayanth
Chinni Jayanth
R.S. Shivaji
R.S. Shivaji
Subbu Panchu
Subbu Panchu
LIC Narasimhan
LIC Narasimhan
Thideer Kannaiya
Thideer Kannaiya
Thalapathi Dinesh
Thalapathi Dinesh
C. R. Vijayakumari
C. R. Vijayakumari
Guhai amma


Prathap Pothan
Prathap Pothan
Prathap Pothan
Prathap Pothan
Shanmuga Priyan
Shanmuga Priyan
Shanmuga Priyan
Shanmuga Priyan
Original Music Composer
Madhu Ambat
Madhu Ambat
Director of Photography
B. Lenin
B. Lenin
V. T. Vijayan
V. T. Vijayan

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