
Comic Sans (2018)

Género : Familia, Comedia, Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 43M

Director : Nevio Marasović


A young and successful copywriter Alan Despot, after trying in vain to renew a broken relationship with his girlfriend, goes to the island of Vis and finds himself torn between his eccentric father, another ex-girlfriend and her fiancé. New situations and circumstances help Alan to view his own life from a new perspective.


Janko Popović Volarić
Janko Popović Volarić
Zlatko Burić
Zlatko Burić
Nataša Janjić-Medančić
Nataša Janjić-Medančić
Milos Timotijevic
Milos Timotijevic
Alma Prica
Alma Prica
Inti Šraj
Inti Šraj
Miha Rodman
Miha Rodman
Jette Ostan Vejrup
Jette Ostan Vejrup
Sara Hjort Ditlevsen
Sara Hjort Ditlevsen
Tanja Ribič
Tanja Ribič
Trpimir Jukić
Trpimir Jukić
Damir Poljicak
Damir Poljicak
Ana Sava Mandić
Ana Sava Mandić
Lukina kćer
Domen Valič
Domen Valič
Edita Karađole Šegvić
Edita Karađole Šegvić
Branko Završan
Branko Završan
Elvis Bošnjak
Elvis Bošnjak
Hrvoje Škurla
Hrvoje Škurla
Lenko Blažević
Lenko Blažević
Ivan Bulić
Ivan Bulić
Lina Blažević
Lina Blažević
Teta Marija


Nevio Marasović
Nevio Marasović
Nevio Marasović
Nevio Marasović
Rakan Rushaidat
Rakan Rushaidat
Janko Popović Volarić
Janko Popović Volarić
Damir Kudin
Damir Kudin
Tomislav Pavlić
Tomislav Pavlić

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