
Yogam Rajayogam (1989)

Género : Comedia, Romance

Tiempo de ejecución : 2H 1M

Director : T.S. Krishnakumar
Escritor : T.S. Krishnakumar


Siva (Ramki) is a happy-go-lucky, good natured guy who goes out of his way to help people. He and his friend Kumar (Senthil) are on the look out for a job when they come across the rich and spoilt girl Usha (Pallavi). The first meeting itself sets off sparks and Siva and Usha have a clash. Usha goes out of her way to insult Siva but during a time of danger, it is Siva who comes to her rescue. The bitter rivalry, soon turns into a budding love. However, Usha's rich father will have none of this and decides to do away with Siva. Watch what happens next forms the crux of the story


K. Prabakaran
K. Prabakaran


T.S. Krishnakumar
T.S. Krishnakumar
T.S. Krishnakumar
T.S. Krishnakumar
T.S. Krishnakumar
T.S. Krishnakumar
T.S. Krishnakumar
T.S. Krishnakumar
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
K. Prabakaran
K. Prabakaran

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