
Jillian Michaels: Killer Cardio (2017)

Género :

Tiempo de ejecución : 50M


The name says it all. Introducing Jillian's first pure cardio DVD, Killer Cardio. It's comprised of two incredible 25-minute workouts that progress in difficulty to blast calories while building endurance and cardiovascular conditioning. The workouts are formatted to push you through each move for 20 seconds at full force and then take a 10-second recovery break. Level 1 is slightly easier than Level 2, but Jillian provides tips and tricks along the way to modify to make Level 1 harder and, if you need to, make Level 2 easier. The DVD can be done up to 5 times per week and is ideal for alternating with resistance training workouts. If you're ready for a fun calorie-killing sweat session, Jillian Michaels Killer Cardio is the perfect workout for you!


Jillian Michaels
Jillian Michaels


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