
To Kill Alice (2019)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 16M

Director : Kim Sang-kyu


Eunmi, a woman who underwent intense anti-communist education while she grew up in South Korea, lives a normal life in America. However, after going on a trip to North Korea with her husband, her life begins to change. During an open forum event in South Korea, where she was invited to speak, she suffers the unimaginable, and the more she tries to escape from the situation, the worse and worse it gets.


Park Geun-hye
Park Geun-hye
Herself (archival footage)
Shin Eun-mi
Shin Eun-mi


Kim Sang-kyu
Kim Sang-kyu
Pyo Yong-soo
Pyo Yong-soo
Sound Supervisor

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