
El secreto de la esfinge (2008)

La leyenda que no morirá.

Género : Ciencia ficción, Fantasía, Película de TV

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 29M

Director : George Mendeluk
Escritor : Brook Durham, Kevin Leeson


Un astrónomo y un criptógrafo descubren una serie de túneles antiguos y liberan, sin darse cuenta, una esfinge mortal. Para regresarla a su tumba, los exploradores deberán resolver una serie de enigmas mortales.


Dina Meyer
Dina Meyer
Lochlyn Munro
Lochlyn Munro
Emily Tennant
Emily Tennant
Mackenzie Gray
Mackenzie Gray
Donnelly Rhodes
Donnelly Rhodes
Dario Delacio
Dario Delacio
Donovan Cerminara
Donovan Cerminara
Cpl. Evans
John J. Gulayets
John J. Gulayets
Ian Thompson
Ian Thompson
Bus Driver (uncredited)


George Mendeluk
George Mendeluk
Brook Durham
Brook Durham
Brook Durham
Brook Durham
Kevin Leeson
Kevin Leeson
Kim Arnott
Kim Arnott
Jamie Goehring
Jamie Goehring
Lindsay MacAdam
Lindsay MacAdam
Michael Richard Plowman
Michael Richard Plowman
Original Music Composer
Anthony C. Metchie
Anthony C. Metchie
Director of Photography
Judy Lee
Judy Lee
Laura Toplass
Laura Toplass
James Hazell
James Hazell
Production Design
Robert Paller
Robert Paller
Special Effects Coordinator
Steven McMichael
Steven McMichael
Stunt Coordinator
Edward D. Rea
Edward D. Rea
Casting Assistant
Eddie Jaszek
Eddie Jaszek
Casting Assistant
Donald Paul Pemrick
Donald Paul Pemrick
Dean E. Fronk
Dean E. Fronk
Stephanie Boeke
Stephanie Boeke
Extras Casting
Owen Walstrom
Owen Walstrom
Stunt Coordinator
Kirk Caouette
Kirk Caouette
Fight Choreographer
Gerald Paetz
Gerald Paetz
Stunt Double
Laura Lee Connery
Laura Lee Connery
Stunt Double
Janene Carleton
Janene Carleton
Stunt Double
Tim Cox
Tim Cox
Executive Producer
Oliver De Caigny
Oliver De Caigny
Associate Producer
Stanton W. Kamens
Stanton W. Kamens
Executive Producer
Kevin Leslie
Kevin Leslie
Line Producer
Kirk Shaw
Kirk Shaw
Executive Producer
Richard D. Titus
Richard D. Titus
Executive Producer
Tavin Marin Titus
Tavin Marin Titus
Executive Producer
Gordon Williams
Gordon Williams
Erin Sinclair
Erin Sinclair
Art Direction
Beverley Wowchuk
Beverley Wowchuk
Costume Design
Gail Luining
Gail Luining
Set Decoration
Amy Van Wormer
Amy Van Wormer
Key Makeup Artist
Jamie Goehring
Jamie Goehring
Production Manager

Carteles y fondos


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