Las navajeras (1975)
So Easy to Kill, So Hard to Love
Género : Acción, Crimen, Drama
Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 31M
Director : Jack Hill
Escritor : F.X. Maier
Gracias a su violencia y manejo de las armas, un grupo de chicas adolescentes domina los bajos fondos de la ciudad. Además de sus trapicheos con la droga y la prostitución, librarán una ardua batalla frente a una banda rival por el control del barrio.
Americans investigating the results of nuclear radiation discover a man-eating monster on a remote island.
In Guatemala, violence is contagious. The neighbors of Villas de La Esperanza, in fear of an eventual invasion of those infected by violence, arm themselves and patrol nights, risking their lives for the safety of their families. But battling violence with violence only spreads the contagion, and the neighbors will realise that the greatest danger is not what lurks outside their secure gated community. The real danger lies within. In Guatemala violence is contagious, and we are all infected.
Drama based on real-life events. Marie Stubbs, a diminutive Glaswegian headmistress who is coming up to retirement age, takes on one last challenge: to improve the fortunes of St George's School in north west London which was facing closure after the notorious murder of its previous headmaster, Philip Lawrence, in 1995 as he was breaking up a fight between his pupils and those from a rival school.
In 1979, Louis Malle traveled into the heart of Minnesota to capture the everyday lives of the men and women in a prosperous farming community. Six years later, during Ronald Reagan's second term, he returned to find drastic economic decline. Free of stereotypes about America's "heartland," GOD'S COUNTRY, commissioned for American public television, is a stunning work of emotional and political clarity.
En un tribunal universitario, una preciosa estudiante presenta su tesis para su aprobación. En el tribunal destacan tres de sus miembros: el presidente decano, un cura y una espigada señorona, como representantes de los prejuicios sociales.
La chica va presentando su tesis sobre la prostitución (comenzando con sus categorías de hombres según el tamaño del miembro viril); y que para realizarla ha asumido ella misma el papel de promiscua, asegurando haber hecho el amor con más de 150 hombres, ante el estupor general del jurado.
En la calle lo llaman "salsa de soja" y transporta a los que la toman a través del tiempo. Sin embargo, cuando algunos regresan ya no son seres humanos. Así es como se produce una invasión silenciosa de la Tierra que hace que la humanidad necesite urgentemente un héroe. Aquí aparecen John y David, un par de desertores de la universidad que apenas son capaces de mantener un trabajo. ¿Podrán estos dos seres aterrados salvar a tiempo a la humanidad?.
La sociedad actual es mucho mejor que la de hace un siglo. Ahora, tenemos nuestras necesidades básicas cubiertas, pero eso ocasiona problema a mucha gente, pues le permite pensar demasiado. Eso es lo que le ocurre a Renee, una chica de 19 años que pese a tenerlo todo para ser feliz, está echando a perder su vida debido a un montón de problemas que ella sola se crea, y de los que no es fácil salir. La mente de Renee no funciona bien. Pese a su edad, tiene depresión, varias adicciones y por si fuera poco una tendencia a autolesionarse, que incluso puede acabar con su vida. Sabe que tiene que salir de esa situación, pero no lo tiene nada fácil para hacerlo. ¿Lo conseguirá? Es posible que sí, pero va necesitar ayuda profesional y de todo aquel que tenga a su alrededor, puesto que si las personas que la quieren no la ayudan no va a poder salir del pozo de autodestrucción en el que se ha metido.
Sams in danger, it is said, when Mr. Taschenbier's son Martin brings the Sams back into the household, which, however, is kidnapped shortly afterwards by the sports teacher because of his special skills.
Prince John was enraged, and used his time in prison to devise a plan to get his revenge. Convincing the king's son (Richard II) into letting him out, he soon assassinated the king, betrayed Richard II, and imprisoned Robin Hood. Learning of Robin Hood's imprisonment, a new band of Merry Men with Little John as their leader must once again overthrow Prince John an return peace to Nottingham.
Tensions arise when Jack Chan, a spineless constable who regards his work as a job but not a career, is partnered with an energetic and conscientious policewoman, Man Liu. When a serial killer emerges in Hong Kong, Man Liu swears to catch him. Jack is impressed by her bravery and decides to secretly protect her.
Un experto en artes marciales va tras una banda criminal y su jefe, que fueron los responsables de la muerte de su pareja.
In this murder mystery, a woman's brother is killed in a freaky accident, or so she believes. Fortunately for her, an American journalist is more suspicious and so begins roaming the London streets in search of the killer.
Pier 23 was one of three hour-long mysteries produced by Lippert Productions for both TV and theatrical release. Each of the three films was evenly divided into two half-hour "episodes," and each starred Hugh Beaumont as San Francisco-based amateur sleuth Dennis O'Brien. In Pier 23, O'Brien first tackles the case of a wrestler who has died of a suspicious heart attack after refusing to lose a match. He then agrees to help a priest talk an escaped criminal into returning to prison. The film's two-part structure leads to repetition and predictability, but it's fun to watch TV's "Ward Cleaver" making like Philip Marlowe.
The baby sitter is none other than veteran Hollywood tough guy Tom Neal. A private detective, Neal is hired to keep an eye on the child of married couple George Meeker and Rebel Randall. Actually, Meeker and Randall are jewel thieves, and their "baby" is their stolen loot. Neal eventually catches on when he realizes that this is the quietest child on earth. Running a scant 41 minutes, Case of the Baby Sitter was designed to be shown in tandem with another Screen Guild Productions "briefie," The Hat Box Mystery: the films were shot back to back, with Tom Neal and Pamela Blake starring in both.
A stock broker's small-town best friend thinks the bride-to-be and her family are gold-diggers so he does everything he can to prevent the wedding.
The tale of a young bookie, married to a beautiful woman who goes to jail, and becomes involved with hoodlums.
A film about kids with little else to offer apart from a well honed body, an overabundance of hormones and a high from their last line. Teenagers Nia and Pulpo hang out at the disco where Nia has sex with a girl he meets there, Foxy. On the way home, Nia and Pulpo are attacked by Spirit, Foxy’s ex. Pulpo is badly beaten up but the police intervene, and Nia ends up in a youth detention centre. He makes plans to escape in order to wreck revenge on Spirit, an eye for an eye, and part of his plan includes meeting Nicole, an attractive young lawyer.
Nine films grouped together that form the basis of Anger's reputation as one of the most influential independent filmmakers in cinema history.
Martin es un solitario con problemas mentales que vive con su madre en un barrio marginal de Londres. Trabaja en el turno nocturno como guardia de seguridad en un estacionamiento subterráneo. Allí se obsesiona cada noche viendo una y otra vez la película 'The Human Centipede' en el pequeño televisor de su oficina. Al borde de la locura por culpa de su padre, y su difícil niñez, Martin pone en marcha un plan para emular el ciempiés humano que tantas veces ha visto en su película favorita. Secuela del largometraje holandés "The Human Centipede" (2009).
¿Quién tiene permiso para dar forma a nuestras ciudades? ¿Cómo lo hacen? ¿Cómo puede el diseño de nuestra ciudad afectar nuestra vida? A través de la exploración de diversos proyectos urbanos en decenas de ciudades alrededor del mundo, Urbanizado enmarca el debate en el futuro de las ciudades. Este filme se centra en el diseño de numerosas ciudades y nos muestra algunos de los arquitectos mundialmente más reconocidos, entre ellos Sir Norman Foster, Rem Koolhaas, Jan Gehl, Oscar Niemeyer, Amanda Burden y Enrique Peñalosa. El director, Gary Hustwit, regresa con el último documental de su trilogía sobre el diseño.