Cast Away (2017)

Lost in the Ocean

Género : Aventura, Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 30M

Director : Vitaliy Versace
Escritor : Paul Gustovich


A rich American businessman and the world's top developer, John Smith is on his way to Puerto Rico from New York City to build a new hotel when a big storm hits his plane as he is flying over Bermuda. The plane goes down and crashes somewhere in the ocean, near Gusto island. John Smith survives the crash and is left alone on the island, with God as his only companion...


Paul Gustovich
Paul Gustovich
John Smith


Vitaliy Versace
Vitaliy Versace
Paul Gustovich
Paul Gustovich
Writers' Assistant
Vitaliy Versace
Vitaliy Versace
Paul Gustovich
Paul Gustovich

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