
American Circumcision (2017)

What are we missing?

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 40M

Director : Brendon Marotta


Circumcision is the most common surgery in America, yet America is the only industrialized country in the world to routinely practice non-religious infant circumcision. Why does America continue to cut the genitals of it's newborn baby males when the rest of the world does not?


Marilyn Milos
Marilyn Milos
Georganne Chapin
Georganne Chapin
Andrew Freedman
Andrew Freedman
Edgar Schoen
Edgar Schoen
Brian Morris
Brian Morris
Jonathon Conte
Jonathon Conte


Brendon Marotta
Brendon Marotta
Brendon Marotta
Brendon Marotta
Brendon Marotta
Brendon Marotta
Brendon Marotta
Brendon Marotta

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