Hero of My Time (2018)

Género : Comedia, Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 20M

Director : Tonya Noyabriova


When Zhorik moves to Kyiv, he has high hopes to improve his life. But then he encounters the mundane struggles, bureaucracy, and corruption of Ukrainian reality.


Evgen Bushmakin
Evgen Bushmakin
Oleh Shevtsov
Oleh Shevtsov
Vasilіsa Frolova
Vasilіsa Frolova
Sonya Zabuga
Sonya Zabuga
Olena Kurta
Olena Kurta
Oleksandr Yarema
Oleksandr Yarema
Oleksandr Artemenko
Oleksandr Artemenko
Natalka Yakovleva
Natalka Yakovleva
Masha Oz
Masha Oz
Anton Domnіch
Anton Domnіch
Vіktorіya Fіalko
Vіktorіya Fіalko
Ganna Lukashevich
Ganna Lukashevich
Valentyna Medova
Valentyna Medova
Kyrylo Myshkіn
Kyrylo Myshkіn
Merі Orel
Merі Orel
Mikhaylo Parf'onov
Mikhaylo Parf'onov
Alla Prykhodko
Alla Prykhodko
Maryna Shevchenko
Maryna Shevchenko
Serhіy Tityuk
Serhіy Tityuk
Kateryna Shevchenko
Kateryna Shevchenko


Tonya Noyabriova
Tonya Noyabriova
Tonya Noyabriova
Tonya Noyabriova
Mykola Konopelko
Mykola Konopelko
Anna Palenchuk
Anna Palenchuk
Tato Kotetishvili
Tato Kotetishvili
Director of Photography
Tamuna Karumidze
Tamuna Karumidze
Yanina Kucher
Yanina Kucher
First Assistant Director
Polina Herman
Polina Herman
Vladyslav Driuchyn
Vladyslav Driuchyn
Digital Compositor

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