Schoolgirls for Sale (2015)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 25M

Director : Simon Ostrovsky


Japan’s obsession with cutesy culture has taken a dark turn, with schoolgirls now offering themselves for “walking dates” with adult men. Last year the US State Department, in its annual report on human trafficking, flagged so-called joshi-kosei osanpo dates (Japanese for “high school walking”) as fronts for commercial sex run by sophisticated criminal networks.


Simon Ostrovsky
Simon Ostrovsky
Self - Reporter
Jake Adelstein
Jake Adelstein
Self - Journalist
Yumeno Nito
Yumeno Nito
Self - Outreach worker
Hinako Kera
Hinako Kera
Rina Kawaei
Rina Kawaei
Ayano Mashiro
Ayano Mashiro
Minako Honda
Minako Honda


Nobutaka Shirahama
Nobutaka Shirahama
Camera Operator
Andrew Glazer
Andrew Glazer
Jeremy Rocklin
Jeremy Rocklin
Simon Ostrovsky
Simon Ostrovsky
Simon Ostrovsky
Simon Ostrovsky

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