
Make It Happen (2013)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 35M

Director : Katarina Dević


The film features intertwined scenes of young dance troupes' performances and scenes where famous Serbian actors, artists and athletes speak out to young people, in order to inspire them to by their own example to chase after and fulfill their lives' dreams. The 34 minute long film is fast paced and shows different types of dances at several key locations in Belgrade, Serbia. The performances are cut by the interviews with the artists and athletes, addressing the viewer, who talk about their beginnings and the road to success. The third segment of the film are young people, transitioning into adulthood, who talk about what their own dreams are. The idea that the film "Fulfill your dream!" carries is to show young people, through the movie itself, through the testimonies of successful artists and athletes, and finally through the example of the author, that it is possible to start an independent career, thanks to their creativity, ambition and perseverance.


Ivan Bosiljčić
Ivan Bosiljčić
Boško Ćirković
Boško Ćirković
Katarina Dević
Katarina Dević
Feđa Dimović
Feđa Dimović
Vlade Divac
Vlade Divac
Zvezdan Gavrilović
Zvezdan Gavrilović
Nikola Janićević
Nikola Janićević
Pavle Knežević
Pavle Knežević
Dunja Lazić
Dunja Lazić
Vlada Marković
Vlada Marković
Nevena Milićević
Nevena Milićević
Milica Milša
Milica Milša
Stefan Naerac
Stefan Naerac
Milena Popović
Milena Popović
Tatjana Puškar
Tatjana Puškar
Vladimir Radivojević
Vladimir Radivojević
Tijana Šišović
Tijana Šišović
Ana Tadić
Ana Tadić
Johnny Tarzan
Johnny Tarzan
Sergej Trifunović
Sergej Trifunović
Andrea Vukojčić
Andrea Vukojčić


Katarina Dević
Katarina Dević
Katarina Dević
Katarina Dević

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