
Manananggal in Manila (1997)

Monster in Manila

Género : Terror

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 38M

Director : Mario O'Hara


An English-speaking manananggal (a malevolent, blood sucking monster) spreads terror in Manila. The manananggal is a Philippines mythical creature described as scary, often hideous, usually depicted as female, and always capable of severing its upper torso and sprouting huge bat-like wings to fly into the night in search of its victims.


Alma Concepcion
Alma Concepcion
Tonton Gutierrez
Tonton Gutierrez
Angelika dela Cruz
Angelika dela Cruz
Mike Magat
Mike Magat
Aiza Seguerra
Aiza Seguerra
Edwin O'Hara
Edwin O'Hara
Eric Fructuoso
Eric Fructuoso
Tony Angeles
Tony Angeles
Idda Yaneza
Idda Yaneza
Bella Flores
Bella Flores


Mario O'Hara
Mario O'Hara
Floy Quintos
Floy Quintos
George Jarlego
George Jarlego
Rey de Leon
Rey de Leon
Nonong Buencamino
Nonong Buencamino
Benjie De Guzman
Benjie De Guzman
Production Design
Conrado Santos
Conrado Santos
Art Direction
Joe Climaco
Joe Climaco
Sound Engineer

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