
Vidocq (1923)

Género :

Tiempo de ejecución : 0M

Director : Jean Kemm


François Vidocq has deserted to go back to his wife and kids, so he becomes a thief. Unfortunately, he finds she had become Manon-la-blonde, mistress of a rich man named Ouvrard, and his children have disappeared. He offers his services to the chief of intelligence service and begins a fight against the Aristo, chief of the gang of the children of the sun. After a few years, he dismantles the gang, and finds both his sons. One has become a blackguard, the other a famous organist who is about to be knighted and will soon get married to his beloved.


René Navarre
René Navarre
Elmire Vautier
Elmire Vautier
Rachel Devirys
Rachel Devirys
Genica Missirio
Genica Missirio
Dolly Davis
Dolly Davis


Jean Kemm
Jean Kemm
Arthur Bernède
Arthur Bernède
François-Eugène Vidocq
François-Eugène Vidocq
In Memory Of

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