
An Idiot Adada (1956)

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 0M

Director : Lee Kang-cheon


Adada's poor husband suddenly strikes it rich. He changes his hovel for a beautiful home, but his character changes as well. He becomes overly proud and shows off his wealth. Adada, despising the money and what it has done to her husband, throws their savings into the river


Na Ae-sim
Na Ae-sim
Rim Han
Rim Han
Min-ho Jang
Min-ho Jang
Kim Jeong-ok
Kim Jeong-ok
Ju Seon-tae
Ju Seon-tae
Kye-shik Kang
Kye-shik Kang
Go Seon-ae
Go Seon-ae
Ahn Na-yeong
Ahn Na-yeong
Ji Gye-sun
Ji Gye-sun
Hwang Jung-seun
Hwang Jung-seun


Lee Kang-cheon
Lee Kang-cheon
Sim Jae-heung
Sim Jae-heung
Director of Photography
Dong-jin Kim
Dong-jin Kim
Original Music Composer
Kim Young-hee
Kim Young-hee

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