Alien: Night Shift (2019)

Género : Ciencia ficción, Terror

Tiempo de ejecución : 9M

Director : Aidan Brezonick
Escritor : Aidan Brezonick


When a missing space trucker is discovered hungover and disoriented, his co-worker suggests a nightcap as a remedy. Near closing time, they are reluctantly allowed inside the colony supply depot where the trucker’s condition worsens, leaving a young supply worker alone to take matters into her own hands. Alien: Night Shift is one of six short films produced to celebrate the 40th anniversary of 1979's Alien.


T.K. Richardson
T.K. Richardson
Amber Gaston
Amber Gaston
Christopher Murray
Christopher Murray
Tanner Rittenhouse
Tanner Rittenhouse


Dustin Supencheck
Dustin Supencheck
Director of Photography
Ryan Oppedisano
Ryan Oppedisano
François Liétout
François Liétout
Original Music Composer
Andrew Cummings
Andrew Cummings
Chris Michael Birkmeier
Chris Michael Birkmeier
James DeJulio
James DeJulio
Executive Producer
Caleb Light-Wills
Caleb Light-Wills
Executive Producer
Lesley Worton
Lesley Worton
Executive Producer
Allison Duda
Allison Duda
Niles Howard
Niles Howard
Paul Bianchi
Paul Bianchi
Production Design
Jo Crandall
Jo Crandall
Art Direction
Alaina Moore
Alaina Moore
Costume Design
Meg Wilbur
Meg Wilbur
Special Effects Makeup Artist
Dan O'Bannon
Dan O'Bannon
Ronald Shusett
Ronald Shusett
Aidan Brezonick
Aidan Brezonick
Aidan Brezonick
Aidan Brezonick

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