
TJP Tokyo Joshi Pro '19 (2019)

Género : Acción, Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 3H 3M


Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling will air their big kahuna 1/4 Kourakuen Hall show live. This is a free show Those with DDT Universe can watch the show Here. You must at least sign up for a Bronze account to view the show. Those without the DDT Universe but able to use a Japanese IP address can watch the show via Abema TV Here If you are new to Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling and would like to know more, feel free to read this Introduction to Tokyo Joshi It's out of date since A CRAP TON OF STUFF HAPPENED THIS YEAR but it'll give you the basics until I get a new updated one written. Mostly its missing the recent debuts and still has bios on Maho, Yuu and Azusa who have left Opening bell for this week's Tokyo Joshi event is 12:00 pm on Friday January 4th in Japan. That's 10:00 pm Thursday night January 3rd Eastern US time and 7pm Thursday January 3rd Pacific. (I think its 3:00 am Friday, January 4th in the U.K.)


Lindsey Kerecz
Lindsey Kerecz
Veda Scott
Millie McKenzie
Millie McKenzie
Millie McKenzie
Marika Kobashi
Marika Kobashi
Marika Kobashi
Mina Shirakawa
Mina Shirakawa
Mina Shirakawa
Nodoka Tenma
Nodoka Tenma
Nodoka Tenma
Hikari Noa
Hikari Noa
Hikari Noa
Miu Watanabe
Miu Watanabe
Miu Watanabe
Pinano Pipipipi
Pinano Pipipipi
Pinano Pipipipi
Haruna Neko
Haruna Neko
Haruna Neko,
Pom Harajuku
Pom Harajuku
Pom Harajuku
Hyper Misao
Hyper Misao
Hyper Misao
Yuna Manase
Yuna Manase
Yuna Manase
Natsumi Maki
Natsumi Maki
Natsumi Maki
Yuki Aino
Yuki Aino
Yuki Aino
Saki Akai
Saki Akai
Saki Akai
Himawari Unagi
Himawari Unagi
t Himawari Unagi
Yuki Kamifuku
Yuki Kamifuku
Yuki Kamifuku
Meiko Satomura
Meiko Satomura
Meiko Satomura
Reika Saik
Reika Saik
Reika Saik
Yuka Sakazaki
Yuka Sakazaki
Yuka Sakazaki
Riho Hime
Riho Hime
Shoko Nakajima
Shoko Nakajima
Shoko Nakajima
Miyu Yamashita
Miyu Yamashita
Miyu Yamashita
Maki Itoh
Maki Itoh
Maki Ito
Haruo Murata
Haruo Murata
Hirotsugu Suyama
Hirotsugu Suyama
Rika Tatsumi
Rika Tatsumi


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