Rebel (1956)

Género : Acción, Historia, Romance

Tiempo de ejecución : 2H 21M

Director : Ashfaq Malik


it was the first movie of Pakistani Actor Sultan Rahi


Musarrat Nazir
Musarrat Nazir
Sultan Rahi
Sultan Rahi
Yasmeen Shaukat
Yasmeen Shaukat
Agha Talish
Agha Talish
Ghulam Mohammed
Ghulam Mohammed


Ashfaq Malik
Ashfaq Malik
Arsh Luckhnavi
Arsh Luckhnavi
Ashfaq Malik
Ashfaq Malik
Rahman Varma
Rahman Varma
Saghir Siddiqui
Saghir Siddiqui

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