
Esas voces que curan

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 45M

Director : Delia Ackerman, Heather Greer


Herlinda Augustin is a Shipibo healer who lives with her family in Peruvian Amazonia. Will she and other healers be able to maintain their ancient tradition despite Western encroachment?


Herlinda Augustin
Herlinda Augustin


Delia Ackerman
Delia Ackerman
Heather Greer
Heather Greer
Javier Arciniega
Javier Arciniega
Guillermo Palacios
Guillermo Palacios
Sound Designer
Diego Velásquez
Diego Velásquez
Delia Ackerman
Delia Ackerman
Heather Greer
Heather Greer
Douglass Sims
Douglass Sims

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