
Dosed (2019)

Life is full of choices.

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 22M

Director : Tyler Chandler


The documentary follows one woman's quest to overcome anxiety, depression, and opioid addiction through the use of psychedelic medicines.


Tyler Chandler
Tyler Chandler
Rick Doblin
Rick Doblin
Paul Stamets
Paul Stamets
Ingrid Pacey
Ingrid Pacey
Trevor Millar
Trevor Millar
Gabor Mate
Gabor Mate
Mark Haden
Mark Haden
Garyth Moxey
Garyth Moxey
Geoff Acres
Geoff Acres
Robyn Howard
Robyn Howard
Patrick Fishley
Patrick Fishley
Maud Lundestad
Maud Lundestad
Chor Boogie
Chor Boogie


Tyler Chandler
Tyler Chandler
James Fadiman
James Fadiman
Dennis J. McKenna
Dennis J. McKenna
Kenneth Tupper
Kenneth Tupper
James Jesso
James Jesso
Aubrey Marcus
Aubrey Marcus

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