
My People, My Country (2019)

Género : Drama, Historia

Tiempo de ejecución : 2H 34M

Director : Chen Kaige, Zhang Yibai, Guan Hu, Xiaolu Xue, Xu Zheng, Ning Hao, Muye Wen


Anthology of short films directed by several different directors.


Ge You
Ge You
Zhang Beijing (segment "Hello Beijing")
Huang Bo
Huang Bo
Lin Zhiyuan (segment "The Eve")
Zhang Yi
Zhang Yi
Gao Yuan (segment "Passing By")
Simon Yam
Simon Yam
Watchmaker Wah (segment "The Going Home")
Song Jia
Song Jia
Lu Xiaoran (segment "One For All")
Wang Qian-Yuan
Wang Qian-Yuan
Du Xinghan (segment "The Eve")
Oho Ou
Oho Ou
Liang Changshou, Lin's assistant (segment "The Eve")
Liang Jing
Liang Jing
Lin's wife (segment "The Eve")
Jiang Wu
Jiang Wu
Zhang Zhixiang (segment "The Eve")
Hu Jun
Hu Jun
General Luo Ruiqing (segment "The Eve")
Tong Dawei
Tong Dawei
Soldier Luo Lang (segment "The Eve")
Vision Wei
Vision Wei
Captain Chen (segment "The Eve")
Wang Tianchen
Wang Tianchen
Soldier with trumpet (segment "The Eve")
Geng Le
Geng Le
Lao Fang (segment "The Eve")
Xin Baiqing
Xin Baiqing
Zhao Pengfei (segment "The Eve")
Ren Suxi
Ren Suxi
Fang Min (segment "Passing By")
Zhang Jiayi
Zhang Jiayi
Chen Xueyuan (segment "Passing By")
Zhou Dongyu
Zhou Dongyu
Hospital nurse (segment "Passing By")
Zhou Yiran
Zhou Yiran
Hospital nurse (segment "Passing By")
Luo Hai Qiong
Luo Hai Qiong
Professor Liu (segment "Passing By")
Peng Yuchang
Peng Yuchang
Parade youth (segment "Passing By")
Yan Guo
Yan Guo
Parade youth (segment "Passing By")
Wu Jing
Wu Jing
Adult Chen Dongdong (segment "The Champion")
Ma Yili
Ma Yili
Adult Zhao Qimei (segment "The Champion")
Han Haolin
Han Haolin
Chen Dongdong (segment "The Champion")
Fan Yujie
Fan Yujie
Zhao Qimei (segment "The Champion")
Liu Tao
Liu Tao
Mei's Mother (segment "The Champion")
Xu Zheng
Xu Zheng
Olympic TV Host (segment "The Champion")
Wang Zhifei
Wang Zhifei
Volleyball Coach (segment "The Champion")
Lang Ping
Lang Ping
Coach (segment "The Champion")
Zhang Jianya
Zhang Jianya
Zhang Bobo (segment "The Champion")
Du Jiang
Du Jiang
Zhu Tao (segment "The Going Home")
Zhu Yilong
Zhu Yilong
Song Yueqiang (segment "The Going Home")
Wang Daotie
Wang Daotie
Wang Yinghui (segment "The Going Home")
Luoyong Wang
Luoyong Wang
Ambassador An Wenbin (segment "The Going Home")
Kara Hui
Kara Hui
Sergeant Lin (segment "The Going Home")
Gao Yalin
Gao Yalin
Captain Cheng Zhiqiang («The Going Home»)
Gregory Charles Rivers
Gregory Charles Rivers
Hugh Davies (segment "The Going Home")
Natasha Dratinskaia Christiansen
Natasha Dratinskaia Christiansen
Maureen (segment "The Going Home")
Cheung Kwok-Keung
Cheung Kwok-Keung
Commentator (segment "The Going Home")
Cheng Yusen
Cheng Yusen
Zhang Xiaojing (segment "Hello Beijing")
Gong Beibi
Gong Beibi
Yuan Rong (segment "Hello Beijing")
Ma Shuliang
Ma Shuliang
Taxi Company Leader (segment "Hello Beijing")
Tian Zhuangzhuang
Tian Zhuangzhuang
(segment "The Guiding Star")
Liu Haoran
Liu Haoran
(segment "The Guiding Star")
Arthur Chen
Arthur Chen
(segment "The Guiding Star")
Sophie Zhang
Sophie Zhang
Jiang Shan
Jiang Shan
Jing Haipeng
Jing Haipeng
Tong Liya
Tong Liya
Yidan (segment "One For All")
Elvis Han
Elvis Han
Pilot (segment "One For All")
Lei Jiayin
Lei Jiayin
Lu Xiaoran's ex (segment "One For All")
Zhang Zifeng
Zhang Zifeng
Lu Xiaoran in school (segment "One For All")
Yanhui Wang
Yanhui Wang
Lu Xiaoran's father (segment "One For All")
Hong Tao
Hong Tao
Lu Xiaoran's mother (segment "One For All")
Guo Jingfei
Guo Jingfei
Teacher (segment "One For All")
Yuan Wenkang
Yuan Wenkang
Commander (segment "One For All")
Cheng Haofeng
Cheng Haofeng
Police B


Chen Kaige
Chen Kaige
Zhang Yibai
Zhang Yibai
Guan Hu
Guan Hu
Xiaolu Xue
Xiaolu Xue
Xu Zheng
Xu Zheng
Ning Hao
Ning Hao
Muye Wen
Muye Wen
Huang Jianxin
Huang Jianxin
Wang Boxue
Wang Boxue
Director of Photography

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