
Cheated Hearts (1921)

All the Exotic Glamour of the East Woven in a Livid Picture of Love

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 50M

Director : Hobart Henley


Barry Gordon, the older son of a Virginia colonel, inherits a taste for alcohol--a habit that caused his father's death. His brother, Tom, falls in love with Muriel Beekman, their guardian's daughter. Barry also loves her but feels rejected. Three years later, after extended travels, Barry learns that Tom, having been sent to Morocco by Mr. Beekman, has been captured by desert marauders and is being held for ransom. He begins a search for him and in Tangiers encounters the Beekmans and Kitty Van Ness. Barry and Muriel discover their love for each other, but he refuses to commit himself while Tom is still alive.


Herbert Rawlinson
Herbert Rawlinson
Barry Gordon
Warner Baxter
Warner Baxter
Tom Gordon
Marjorie Daw
Marjorie Daw
Muriel Bekkman
Doris Pawn
Doris Pawn
Kitty Van Ness
Winter Hall
Winter Hall
Nathanial Beekman
Josef Swickard
Josef Swickard
Colonel Fairfax Gordon
Murdock MacQuarrie
Murdock MacQuarrie
Boris Karloff
Boris Karloff
Nei Hamid
Anna Lehr
Anna Lehr
Albert MacQuarrie
Albert MacQuarrie
Hector V. Sarno
Hector V. Sarno


Hobart Henley
Hobart Henley
Wallace Clifton
Wallace Clifton
William F. Payson
William F. Payson

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