
Disco (2019)

Faith - Hope - Doubt

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 34M

Director : Jorunn Myklebust Syversen


On the surface 19-year-old Mirjam's life appears perfect. She is a world champion freestyle disco dancer and the pride of her modern, evangelical church. Yet her body is calling out for help and at the dance world championships, where she is defending her title, she collapses on stage. Her family's solution is for her to focus more on her faith. In search of answers, she turns to a stricter, more conservative church.


Josefine Frida Pettersen
Josefine Frida Pettersen
Nicolai Cleve Broch
Nicolai Cleve Broch
Pastor Per
Kjærsti Odden Skjeldal
Kjærsti Odden Skjeldal
Andrea Bræin Hovig
Andrea Bræin Hovig
Espen Klouman Høiner
Espen Klouman Høiner
Pastor Samuel
Fredericke Rustad Hellerud
Fredericke Rustad Hellerud
Terje Syversen
Terje Syversen
Pastor Kent
Øyvind Gulli
Øyvind Gulli
Nancy Gogstad
Nancy Gogstad
Andreas Preus Efskin
Andreas Preus Efskin
Anders Torp
Anders Torp
Pastor Aage
Espen Reboli Bjerke
Espen Reboli Bjerke
Jean Superbanan Andersen
Jean Superbanan Andersen
Agnostic Person


Jorunn Myklebust Syversen
Jorunn Myklebust Syversen
Jorunn Myklebust Syversen
Jorunn Myklebust Syversen
Maria Ekerhovd
Maria Ekerhovd
Marius Matzow Gulbrandsen
Marius Matzow Gulbrandsen
Director of Photography
Axel Helgeland
Axel Helgeland
Executive Producer
Ragna Nordhus Midtgard
Ragna Nordhus Midtgard
Line Producer
Susanna Alicia Taylor
Susanna Alicia Taylor
Catrine Gormsen
Catrine Gormsen
Janine Clarson
Janine Clarson
Frida Eggum Michaelsen
Frida Eggum Michaelsen
Mina Nybakke
Mina Nybakke
Svein-Ketil Bjøntegård
Svein-Ketil Bjøntegård
Sound Designer
Johan Rasmus Pram
Johan Rasmus Pram
Sound Designer
Ellen Oseng
Ellen Oseng
Production Design
Marius Christiansen
Marius Christiansen
Original Music Composer
Thom Hell
Thom Hell
Original Music Composer
Elisa Fernanda Pirir
Elisa Fernanda Pirir
Associate Producer
Svein-Ketil Bjøntegård
Svein-Ketil Bjøntegård
Supervising Sound Editor
Svein-Ketil Bjøntegård
Svein-Ketil Bjøntegård
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Svein-Ketil Bjøntegård
Svein-Ketil Bjøntegård
Eirik Halsen
Eirik Halsen
Sound Mixer
Johan Rasmus Pram
Johan Rasmus Pram
Supervising Sound Editor
Johan Rasmus Pram
Johan Rasmus Pram
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Johan Rasmus Pram
Johan Rasmus Pram
Karina Rezhevska
Karina Rezhevska
Foley Mixer
Tormod Ringnes
Tormod Ringnes
Yvonne Stenberg
Yvonne Stenberg
Sound Effects Editor
Nataliia Syeryakova
Nataliia Syeryakova
Foley Artist
Haakon Hildisch
Haakon Hildisch
Additional Music
Adrian Dark
Adrian Dark
Iain Forbes
Iain Forbes
First Assistant Director

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