
Christmas Hotel (2019)

Género : Romance, Película de TV

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 20M

Director : Marla Sokoloff


A big city hotelier's boss informs her that she will receive a promotion if she can pull off a major project.


Tatyana Ali
Tatyana Ali
Sean Patrick Thomas
Sean Patrick Thomas
Erika Walter
Erika Walter
Bianca Wyndsor
Nate Bynum
Nate Bynum
Scott Christopher
Scott Christopher
Mr. Baker
Telma Hopkins
Telma Hopkins
Sheryl Lee Ralph
Sheryl Lee Ralph
Stephen Jared
Stephen Jared
William Allen Young
William Allen Young
Cameron Kelly
Cameron Kelly
Marcelo Kirk
Marcelo Kirk
Penny's Husband


Marla Sokoloff
Marla Sokoloff
Anna White
Anna White
Grace Murphy
Grace Murphy
Jeffrey Schenck
Jeffrey Schenck
Executive Producer

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