
Shaolin Popey (1994)

Género : Comedia, Acción

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 35M

Director : Chu Yen-ping


A high school loser dreams of winning the heart of the principal's daughter, but his chances are slim as long as her bruiser boyfriend's around. Fortunately, a chance meeting with a pair of Shaolin-trained kids (previously seen in DRAGON FROM SHAOLIN) gives him the fighting skills needed to come out on top. An unusual but entertaining blending of teen romantic comedy and martial arts slapstick


Ashton Chen
Ashton Chen
Hao Shaowen
Hao Shaowen
Jimmy Lin
Jimmy Lin
Vivian Hsu
Vivian Hsu
Hilary Tsui
Hilary Tsui
Ayal Komod
Ayal Komod
Paul Chun
Paul Chun
Chang Kuo-Chu
Chang Kuo-Chu
Kingdom Yuen
Kingdom Yuen
Michael Lee
Michael Lee


Chu Yen-ping
Chu Yen-ping
Ting Ya-min
Ting Ya-min
Yeh Yun-Chiao
Yeh Yun-Chiao
Hsu Pei-Yun
Hsu Pei-Yun
Li Fu
Li Fu
Chen Jung-Shu
Chen Jung-Shu
Chen Po Wen
Chen Po Wen

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