
La Maladroite (2019)

Género : Película de TV, Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 24M

Director : Éléonore Faucher


Stella is 6 but she is going to school for the first time. Happy, exuberant (maybe too much) she is a lovely child, but is often absent. Her parents say she is fragile. She tells her teacher, Céline, she fell when asked why she has a few bruises. Is it child abuse or real immune deficiency? The doubt is growing in the mind of those who meet the child. Worried, Céline notes every injury until the day the family moves without telling anyone.


Isabelle Carré
Isabelle Carré
Céline Thibault
Émilie Dequenne
Émilie Dequenne
Emma Saugier
Damien Jouillerot
Damien Jouillerot
Sylvain Dubois
India Hair
India Hair
Laetitita Dubois
Elsa Hyvaert
Elsa Hyvaert
Stella Dubois


Éléonore Faucher
Éléonore Faucher
Françoise Charpiat
Françoise Charpiat
Alexandre Seurat
Alexandre Seurat
Laurent Petitgand
Laurent Petitgand

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