Driving School (1986)
Género : Comedia
Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 25M
Director : Bernhard Stephan
Escritor : Bernhard Stephan, Bernd Schirmer
In the GDR, purchasing a car was such a difficult process that many families applied for one years in advance. For example, Gisela secretly orders a Wartburg model after the birth of her first child. By the time the vehicle is ready, her daughter is a teenager, and Gisela's husband, who actually prefers walking, has already bought a second Wartburg from a friend in financial trouble. As a result, the couple decides to sign up for driving school together.
Sacha Baron Cohen, el peculiar protagonista de "Ali G anda suelto", interpreta a Borat, un reportero de Kazajistán. Por orden de su gobierno, el periodista va a Estados Unidos para rodar un documental pedagógico, que debe recoger las mejores enseñanzas de los USA para que su país las aproveche. Pero el trabajo no será tan fácil como parece...
Rose, una dulce y amable instructora de conducción, debe emplear sus talentos sobrenaturales para salvar a la hija de Martin, que comparte sus mismos rasgos de personalidad, de una estrella del rock que planea utilizarla como parte de un pacto satánico para recuperar su fama perdida
Kiyotaka Sato (Shuhei Nomura) is a university student. He is sociable, but he looks like he doesn't have interest in those around him. During his summer vacation, Kiyotaka Sato plans to get his driver's license to impress schoolmate Matsuda (Yukino Kishii). At this time, a yakuza boss (Ken Mitsuishi) orders Todoroki (Kento Kaku) to get his driver’s license. Todoroki doesn't show his feelings outwardly. Later, Todoroki drives a car without a driver’s license and he hits Kiyotaka Sato. To cover up the accident, Kiyotaka Sato is placed in a car and taken to away. He arrives at an unofficial driving school. The driving school is run by the Uehara family. There, Kiyotaka Sato and Todoroki learn that they graduated from the same high school. They spend their summer at the driving school.
Algunos estudiantes de un instituto asisten a un curso de conducción durante el verano. Entre los estudiantes está Riko, un tipo arrogante; Chad, un chico de una familia privilegiada, que está aterrorizado ante la idea de ponerse al volante; Vanessa, cuya madre sobreprotectora no le permitía asistir al curso y tuvo que hacerlo a sus espaldas, y María, una estudiante extranjera.
An unprecedented access to a number of Saudi women in the capital city of Riyadh as they embrace the freedom that comes from being behind the wheel.The Saudi Women’s Driving School is said to be the world's largest driving school, which caters exclusively to women since the ban on female drivers was lifted in 2017.
Mihajlo, an introvert piano teacher starts romance with a pretty careerist who teaches modeling at the university in Belgrade where they both work. His feelings are awakened after a long period, but this relationship makes him see the flashbacks, as well as yet unseen images that remind him of his troubled childhood - as if he experienced this already. When their university wins a contest to hold public TV performance, Mihailo fails to play the piano on the decisive night and she dumps him. The boiling point is about to come.
Bev is a downtrodden housewife who's failed her driving test eight times, having only been instructed by her impatient husband Ian. After registering with a driving school, she develops a crush on her instructor, Chris.
In the GDR, purchasing a car was such a difficult process that many families applied for one years in advance. For example, Gisela secretly orders a Wartburg model after the birth of her first child. By the time the vehicle is ready, her daughter is a teenager, and Gisela's husband, who actually prefers walking, has already bought a second Wartburg from a friend in financial trouble. As a result, the couple decides to sign up for driving school together.
Babis and Dinos have a driving school in partnership with several customers. And while fetching Dinos manages to combine a joy of life with his conquests, the Wretch Babis, left the thicker, the poor and elderly clients faculty ..
A comedy about the shunned office worker Fridolf who gets into trouble when a rationalization expert audits the colonial goods company. It doesn't get any better when Fridolf invites the clerk Lisa, who is newly employed and feels lonely, to his home, a visit that his jealous wife Selma does not appreciate.
When her sister is mugged and raped, Oili, a young female forensic dentist, meets a group of abused women who have taken matters to their own hands to make the living in fear and just letting it happen stop.
Minna is taking driving lessons. The teacher starts to behave inappropriately.
A factory foreman discovers (to his discontent) that his housewife secretly takes driving lessons in order to get a job and send their son to kindergarten.
Tommy just bought his first car with his own money. He enjoys driving it fast regardless of the speed limit. He ignores several warnings and not even a speeding ticket can change his way of driving. And then one night Tommy's beloved car is sideswiped, and Tommy makes a reckless decision that leads to tragedy.
En esta comedia erótica, Miranda es la encargada de una cantina en un pequeño pueblo que empieza a probar a los distintos hombres disponibles.
Greg pasa de curso con su confianza y sus amistades intactas y habiéndole echado el ojo a la chica nuevas de la ciudad, Holly Hills. Pero, en casa, Greg sigue peleado con su hermano mayor, Rodrick, así que sus padres les ponen el "castigo" más duro imaginable: obligan a los chicos a pasar tiempo de calidad juntos.
Tras su divorcio, la escritora Mavis Gary atraviesa una crisis existencial que intenta superar volviendo a su pueblo natal. Su situación empeora cuando intenta volver con su novio del instituto, que ya está casado y es padre de un niño. Pero Mavis encuentra un inesperado aliado en otro compañero del instituto.
Tres estudiantes de último curso de instituto, aparentemente anónimos, deciden montar una fiesta salvaje en casa de uno de ellos, promocionándola en las redes sociales como la fiesta más loca de la temporada. Además, los chicos deciden grabarla para luego colgarla en la red. Enseguida se corre la voz y todo se hace un desmadre...
En “Un lugar para soñar” conocemos a Benjamin Mee (Matt Damon), un columnista de prensa y escritor de artículos de aventuras que, como padre viudo, se enfrenta al desafío de criar a sus dos hijos pequeños. Con la esperanza de que partir de cero y llevar una nueva vida restablecerá el espíritu familiar, Mee deja su empleo y compra una vieja casa rural situada en un terreno de unas ocho hectáreas fuera de la ciudad que incluye una irrepetible particularidad añadida: un zoológico denominado el Parque de Animales Rosemoor, residencia de docenas de animales encomendados al cuidado de la jefa de guardas Kelly Foster (Scarlett Johansson) y su entusiasta equipo. Sin experiencia, con poco tiempo y reducidísimo presupuesto, Mee se propone, con el apoyo de su familia y de la gente de la localidad, reabrir el zoo. Ahora, Benjamin ya no cuenta una historia de aventuras, sino que vive la suya propia.
The story depicts how a female Japanese language teacher who is assigned to a rural high school falls into the trap of the president's family, is trained, and becomes a slave to their lust.