I fjällfolkets land : Dagar i Lappland (1923)
Género : Documental
Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 2M
Director : Erik Bergström
"In the land of the mountain people: Days in Lapland" - About the everyday life of the Karesuando Sámi at the Sarek Mountains, near their camp, the sita. Traditionally, the Sámi have pursued a variety of livelihoods, including coastal fishing, fur trapping, and sheep herding. Their best-known means of livelihood is semi-nomadic reindeer herding. The genetic makeup of Sámi people has been extensively studied for as long as such research has been in existence. Ethnographic photography of the Sámi began with the invention of the camera in the 19th century. This continued on into the 1920s and 1930s, when Sámi , against their will, were photographed naked and anatomically measured by scientists,.
Loving someone of the same gender is frowned upon in Sami communities. Sparrooabbán (Me and my little sister) shows what it’s like to be a minority within a minority. Suvi describes how her little sister Kaisa wishes to be accepted as she is. Like her sister, Kaisa is a Sami, but also in a relationship with a woman, and she also works as a deacon. There are obviously more constricting communities in the film than only one.
The Sámi people (also spelled Sami or Saami) are an indigenous Finno-Ugric people inhabiting Sápmi, which today encompasses large northern parts of Norway and Sweden, northern parts of Finland, and the Kola Peninsula within the Murmansk Oblast of Russia. A single daily newspaper is published in Northern Sámi, Ávvir. There are short daily news bulletins in Northern Sámi on national TV in Norway, Sweden and Finland. There is a Sámi theatre, Beaivvas, in Kautokeino on the Norwegian side, as well as in Kiruna on the Swedish side. The largest Sami Publishing house is Davvi Girji. In this program "Topic: Sámi" filmmaker Nils Gaup presents his latest production, "The Kautokeino Rebellion" (2008), author Ann-Helen Laestadius talks about to seek ones roots, and Isabel Pavval share how it is being a young Sámi and youth culture.
"In the land of the mountain people: Days in Lapland" - About the everyday life of the Karesuando Sámi at the Sarek Mountains, near their camp, the sita. Traditionally, the Sámi have pursued a variety of livelihoods, including coastal fishing, fur trapping, and sheep herding. Their best-known means of livelihood is semi-nomadic reindeer herding. The genetic makeup of Sámi people has been extensively studied for as long as such research has been in existence. Ethnographic photography of the Sámi began with the invention of the camera in the 19th century. This continued on into the 1920s and 1930s, when Sámi , against their will, were photographed naked and anatomically measured by scientists,.
The group SOLJU, formed by Ulla Pirttijärvi and her daughter Hildá Länsman, combines their heritage of northern Sámi language and traditional chant, known as yoik, with a desire for new and innovative music. SOLJU provides a dialogue of traditional and modern Sámi culture. Solju is proud of their indigenous roots and want to show it to the world. Sámi culture and identity lie at the heart of the music, reflecting mythology and aspects of the traditional lifestyles of their homeland. The listener is taken to the far north of Europe: Sápmi. Solju soundscape ranges from the expansive wilderness of the tundra to the most intimate lávvu fireplace. The music can be described as vivacious, colourful, earthy, ethereal, and genuine. Recorde live at G Livelab, Helsinki, April 25, 2018. Songs from Solju's debut album "Odda Áigodat" (New Times), produced by Samuli Laiho and Teho Majamäki, mixed by Riku Mattila.
A documentary about Áillohaš (Nils-Aslak Valkeapää), a musician, painter, and poet of the Sámi people in Finland.
Wimme Saari is one of the best known Sami yoikers from Finland. He combines traditional Sami singing with his own improvisations, usually to a techno-ambient accompaniment by members of Finnish electronic group RinneRadio. Wimme has also appeared on the albums of other bands or musicians, for instance Hedningarna, Nits or Hector Zazou.
About being young and Sámi, focusing on the topics, pride, love and conflict. Isabel moves from her mother in Stockholm to her father in Jokkmokk. Amoc rap in Aanaarsämikielâ, Inari Sámi, a language used among 400 people. Alette doesn't feel like a Sámi. Thomas is a drummer, snowboards and dream of being an actor. The skier Tonje always fall in love with a Sámi. Why? Jon is adopted from Colombia and joiks a lot. Thomas and Petra plan for their future. Ritva loves horseback riding. Amanda likes theatre and politics. Vocalist Sandra wonders how much Sámi she is. Johan is brought up in a religious home where music is prohibited. Aslak love scooters. Marit was bullied in school because she is a Sámi.
Acoustic Ocean is an artistic exploration of the sonic ecology of marine life in the North Atlantic. Located on the Lofoten Islands in Northern Norway, the video centers on the performance of a marine-biologist diver who is using a life-size model of a submersible equipped with all sorts of hydrophones and recording devices. In this science-fictional quest, her task is to sense the submarine space for acoustic and bioluminescent forms of expression.
The AssimiNation is a political pamphlet portraying the indigenous Sámi people fighting for their existence. The film follows the on going cultural genocide of the Sámi which the current Governmental politics allow. This film is a cry for help for the last indigenous people living in the EU.
Joar Nango has collected books and various other material relevant to Sami architecture. This is is a deep dive into Gumpien's history and use today. A gumpi is a portable shepherd's hut mounted on dairies, often used during spring migration in reindeer husbandry.
Follows Astrid & Sune as they show techniques and methods of sami handcraft.
Documental sobre la vida de la famosa cantante Katy Perry, dentro y fuera del escenario.
Documental que recoge la vida de Bruce Lee, una de las mayores leyendas de las artes marciales. El especial cuenta con la participación de familiares, amigos y personalidades del cine y el deporte como Mickey Rourke o Kobe Bryant.
Johnny Knoxville y el resto del reparto de la serie de televisión "Jackass" realizan las hazañas más escandalosas y divertidas en Japón, donde se disfrazan de pandas y atacan un campo de golf mas intensas que en la TV.
¡Porque todas las anteriores no bastan! Johnny Knoxville y sus chicos aparecen de vuelta en esta entrega de Jackass 3.5. Escenas nunca antes vistas. Una nueva película de los locos chicos de la MTV en donde realizarán pruebas cuya finalidad es infligirse dolor y hacer reir a mucha gente al mismo tiempo.
El "como se hizo" de Avatar, de James Cameron. Muestra partes interesantes del trabajo en los sets.
Documental sobre la vida actual de antiguas estrellas del porno mundial, sobre como intentan llevar una vida "normal" como la de los demás, así como las consecuencias que ha supuesto para ellos el haber trabajado en un negocio tan peculiar y controvertido.
¡Han vuelto! En una película con todo el material que no pudieron incluir en la número dos. Te reirás hasta llorar y desencajar tu mandíbula a medida que Johny Knoxville y los chicos te introducen entre bambalinas con Jackass 2.5, hablando de estas increíbles e inéditas acrobacias, bromas y otros actos aleatorios de malicia y estupidez en unas hilarantes entrevistas nuevas. 90 minutos de metraje extra y de contenidos especiales. Jackass 2.5 es tan insólito, sucio y directamente sexy como sus predecesores, pero a unos niveles que no podrían verse en los cines.
En 1972 se estrenó una película que convulsionó la realidad social estadounidense: Garganta Profunda. Estrenada en el mismo momento en que los movimientos nacionales para la liberación sexual, la igualdad de derechos y los valores contraculturales estaban alcanzando su punto álgido, esta película sexualmente explícita se convirtió inesperadamente en el epicentro de una tormenta social y política sin precedentes. El gobierno de Nixon y el FBI iniciaron una cruzada contra la película y sus creadores. Inside Deep Throat (Dentro de Garganta Profunda) es un documental en el que los directores Randy Barbato y Fenton Bailey nos proponen un viaje a los años 70, a la situación social, cultural y política de los norteamericanos, y al intenso impacto que provocó una película pornográfica, cuyo título llegó incluso a servir de referente al escándalo de Watergate que acabó costando la presidencia a Nixon.
Johnny Knoxville y sus amigos siguen con sus arriesgadas aventuras.