
New Year's Concert: 2019 - Vienna Philharmonic (2019)

Género : Música

Tiempo de ejecución : 2H 2M

Director : Henning Kasten


The 2019 New Year's Concert will be conducted for the first time by Christian Thielemann. A native of Berlin, Thielemann has been a regular and welcome guest of the Vienna Philharmonic since 2000, with the result that his first New Year s Concert may be seen as setting an example and providing an appropriate tribute to his previous work with the orchestra. According to the orchestra s chairman, Daniel Froschauer, orchestra and musicians trust each other completely: "The profound musical understanding and trust that have existed from the outset and that have always functioned perfectly have subsequently borne remarkable fruit in the symphonic repertory as well."


Christian Thielemann
Christian Thielemann
Wiener Philharmoniker
Wiener Philharmoniker


Henning Kasten
Henning Kasten

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