
Black Ocean (2011)

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 27M

Director : Marion Hänsel


Though its aftertitles detailing the history of French nuke experiments suggest otherwise, writer/director Marion Hänsel’s Black Ocean is not a political treatise or a history lesson, instead taking advantage of the remote, isolated environments in which the experimentation took place – as well as the monumental imagery of the act itself – in order to communicate a more universal story about the power of awe. Ocean principally follows three young sailors on a French naval vessel in 1972, who are on course for an unknown destination in order to help carry out the bomb tests they’ve yet to personally witness. The film is essentially divided into two parts: before and after the blast.


Adrien Jolivet
Adrien Jolivet
Nicolas Robin
Nicolas Robin
Romain David
Romain David
Da Maggio
Alexandre de Sèze
Alexandre de Sèze
Jean-Marc Michelangeli
Jean-Marc Michelangeli
The lieutenant
Steve Tran
Steve Tran
Nicolas Gob
Nicolas Gob
Antoine Laurent
Antoine Laurent
Thibault Vinçon
Thibault Vinçon
Grégory Gatignol
Grégory Gatignol
Stephen Scardicchio
Stephen Scardicchio


Marion Hänsel
Marion Hänsel
Marion Hänsel
Marion Hänsel

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