
Noryang: Sea of Death (2023)

2nd sequel to "The Admiral: Roaring Currents"

Género : Historia, Acción, Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 0M

Director : Kim Han-min


Winter of 1598, the story of Yi Sun-shin's last naval battle during the Japanese invasions of Korea that happened in the Noryang Strait.


Kim Yoon-seok
Kim Yoon-seok
Admiral Yi Sun-Shin
Baek Yoon-sik
Baek Yoon-sik
Shimazu Yoshihiro
Jung Jae-young
Jung Jae-young
Chen Lin
Heo Joon-ho
Heo Joon-ho
Deng Zilong
Yeo Jin-goo
Yeo Jin-goo
Ju Seok-tae
Ju Seok-tae
Shimazu Toyohisa
Ahn Seong-bong
Ahn Seong-bong
Gwon Jun
Choi Deok-moon
Choi Deok-moon
Song Yeo-jong
Jung Je-woo
Jung Je-woo


Kim Han-min
Kim Han-min
Lee Dae-hee
Lee Dae-hee
Kim Tae-seong
Kim Tae-seong
Original Music Composer
Kim Ju-kyung
Kim Ju-kyung

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