Baek Yoon-sik

Baek Yoon-sik

Nacimiento : 1947-03-16, Seoul, South Korea


Baek Yoon-sik (백윤식) is a South Korean actor. He was born on March 16, 1947.


Baek Yoon-sik
Baek Yoon-sik
Baek Yoon-sik
Baek Yoon-sik
Baek Yoon-sik
Baek Yoon-sik
Baek Yoon-sik


Noryang: Sea of Death
Shimazu Yoshihiro
Winter of 1598, the story of Yi Sun-shin's last naval battle during the Japanese invasions of Korea that happened in the Noryang Strait.
Father Balthasar
Una familia se muda a su nuevo hogar. Allí sufren el acecho de un espíritu maligno que puede ocupar el cuerpo de los distintos integrantes. Tendrán que recurrir a un tío sacerdote especialista en exorcismos, quien acaba de atravesar un traumático fracaso.
Feng Shui
Kim Jua-guen
Park Jae-sang, un geomántico real, ayuda a la gente a designar un sitio propicio para casas, tiendas e incluso tumbas bajo la creencia de que una tumba en un buen sitio traerá futura fortuna para los descendientes. Este perderá a su familia al exponer una conspiración sobre la tumba del Príncipe Heredero, pero planeará venganza, aunque esto le hará darse cuenta de que hay una conspiración mucho más grande detrás.
The Chase
Sim Deok-su
After people in his town start turning up dead, a grumpy landlord is visited by a man who recounts an unsolved serial murder case from 30 years ago that may hold the clue to what is happening now.
La Última Princesa
Gojong of Korea
Bajo el dominio colonial japonés opresivo, el Imperio japonés obliga a Deok-hye, la última princesa de la dinastía Joseon a trasladarse a Japón, tras la muerte del Rey Gojong. Ella pasa sus días anhelando volver a Corea, mientras que lucha por mantener su dignidad como una princesa. Después de una serie de intentos fallidos, Deok-hye hace su último intento para regresar a casa con la ayuda de su novio de la infancia, Jang-han.
Inside Men
Lee Kang-hee
El antiguo hombre de confianza de un político busca vengarse de él por haber sido abandonado de forma despiadada, mientras que un investigador trata de determinar las pruebas de una conexión entre ellos.
The Face Reader
Kim Jong-seo
La película se centra en un hombre que viaja a la Corea de la época Joseon para aprender fisonomía (apreciación del carácter de una persona y la personalidad por su rostro), después de morir su padre, por oponerse al rey. Se convierte en el fisonomista más famoso de Joseon, capaz de conocer el estado mental de una persona, sus hábitos y su personalidad, sólo mirando su cara. Su talento le lleva a los tribunales reales, donde se ve envuelto en una disputa por el poder entre Kim Jong-seo, uno de los súbditos del rey Taejo (fundador de la Dinastía Joseon), y el príncipe Yang Soo, (nieto del rey Taejo, que más tarde se convierte en Rey Sejo).
I Am The King
Hwang Hee
The movie depicts the three months before Choong-nyung (the future Sejong the Great) becomes king. The Annals of the Joseon Dynasty, which follows the history of the Joseon Dynasty between 1413 and 1865, leaves out records of this crucial period. While future generations would come to know him as King Sejong, the legendary figure who created the Korean alphabet and advanced the country’s scientific research and law, Prince Choong-nyung was originally dismissed as a reclusive bookworm. When his older brothers Yangnyeong and Hyoryeong fail to impress their father King Taejong, the king makes a royal command for Choong-nyung to become the next ruler of the kingdom instead.
A former jockey who became blind after losing his wife in an accident gets a second chance with the help of his daughter and an injured horse.
Cuenta la historia de una reportera de televisión al rescate de su hermano secuestrado por una trama de contrabandistas de cuerpos, con una cabeza cortada de protagonista, sectas religiosas, policias corruptos y científicos locos.
Meet the In-Laws
When cartoonist Hyun-joon falls in love with Da-hong, one of his fans, it sets up the archetypal battle between their two families, who are from rival regions. Hyun-joon comes from the politically liberal Honam region (North and South Jeolla) while Da-hong comes from the conservative Yeongnam region (North and South Gyeongsang). When the two declare their intention to marry, they are confronted with a seemingly endless number of barriers that threaten their happiness.
Mastermind (segment "Love for Sale")
A man searching for his missing ex-girlfriend uncovers the dark secret behind an organization selling romantic virtual reality experiences. A film director looking for artistic inspiration runs into a strange woman who may or may not be a ghost. An assassin and a target for in love with each other but the assassin must complete the assignment.
Woochi, cazador de demonios
Woo-chi's mentor
Jeon Woo Chi es un mago taoista de la era Joseon que es acusado de un delito y es condenado “eternamente” por una maldicion. El sello de esta maldicion se romperá 500 años más tarde en la Corea contemporánea, reviviendo la clasica “Historia de Jeon Woo Chi” en los tiempos modernos como un heroe que está listo para erradicar a los monstruos de este nuevo mundo. Aunque lamentablemente Jeon Woo Chi no aprovechó del todo su nueva oportunidad como heroe, debido a que está más interesado en las mujeres y su sensibilidad poética que en la práctica de su prodigioso talento en la magia taoísta.
Bank Attack
Detective Ku
Desperate for money to save his sick daughter's life, a father decides to rob a bank.
Bravo, My Life!
Cho Min-hyuk
This film is an adaptation based on the 1988 Japanese film Kaisha monogatari: Memories of You, written and directed by Jun Ichikawa. This film follows the story of "Chief" Cho Min-hyuk (Baek), a middle-aged corporate manager nearing his retirement after working for 30 years in the same company. Cho and other colleagues in the office secretly have held dreams of being rock musicians but they suppressed those ambitions in order to get stable office jobs and support their families. During the film Cho and others resume their interest in playing musical instruments and form a band together. However Cho struggles to deal with office politics that result from his upcoming retirement as well as the anxiety for his and his family's future post-retirement.
How the Lack of Love Affects Two Men
Dong Chol-dong
A miserly father and his clever yet immature son live emotionally impoverished lives together. That life is interrupted when a beautiful widow moves in as a tenant. A battle between father and son to win the widow’s heart begins. No concession, No scruples, No rules.
Tazza: The High Rollers
Mr. Pyeong
Go-ni tries his best to worship Pyung Gyung-jang as his teacher, and promises to stop gambling after winning his money back. But people's desires are endless.
Like a Virgin
A chubby high school student participatee in a sports competition to win a cash prize for sex change surgery.
The Art of Fighting
Oh Pan-su
Adolescence is one long, drawn-out nightmare for Byeong-tae. Quiet and introverted, he makes a perfect target for his school’s vicious bullies, all the more so when they catch on that his father is a policeman. Badly beaten up on a regular basis, Byeong-tae seeks a capable teacher in matters of physical combat. His quest remains a dead end until the day the mysterious Oh drifts into town. Little is known about Oh other than that he has a shady past and seeks to leave Korea as soon as he can. That, and the fact that when push comes to shove, Oh’s placid and distant front dissolves and his true nature as a fighter of unmatched skill and effectiveness comes ferociously forward. Initially, Oh rebuffs Byeog-tae’s pleading for lessons, telling him that it’s best not to fight at all.
The President's Last Bang
KCIA Director Kim Jae-Kyu
On October 26, 1979, President Park Chung-hee, who had ruled South Korea since 1961, was assassinated by his director of intelligence. The film depicts the events of that night.
The Big Swindle
Master Kim
After being convicted for fraud, one month has passed since Choi Chang-Hyuk's release from jail. But this time around he's got an elaborate plan cooked up. It's the biggest bank heist in history that'll make any thief have a wet dream. The best five thieves come together to form a team.
Salvar el planeta Tierra
Kang Man-shik
Byeong-gu cree que extraterrestres del planeta Andrómeda atacarán La Tierra para acabar con la vida en el planeta. Según él, uno de ellos es el presidente de una compañía química a quien, con la ayuda de su novia, secuestra para obtener información sobre la futura invasión. La única manera que Byeong-gu tiene de evitar la invasión es convencer al secuestrado para que organice un encuentro con el príncipe de Andrómeda, antes del próximo eclipse lunar, que ocurrirá dentro de una semana. Mientras tanto, el desacreditado inspector Lee decide llevar la investigación por su cuenta con la ayuda del inspector novato Choo.
A Masterpiece in My Life
In-gi had to abandon his dreams of becoming a serious director in order to pay off his parents' debts so to make quick money, he began to direct soft porn movies. But his dream of making a masterpiece has not died yet.
Only With You