
Mental (2008)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 2H 15M

Director : Kazuhiro Soda


MENTAL is a feature-length documentary that observes the complex world of an outpatient mental health clinic in Japan, interwoven with patients, doctors, staff, volunteers, and home-helpers, in cinema- verite style. The film breaks a major taboo against discussing mental illness prevalent in Japanese society, and captures the candid lives of people coping with suicidal tendencies, poverty, a sense of shame, apprehension, and fear of society.



Kazuhiro Soda
Kazuhiro Soda
Kazuhiro Soda
Kazuhiro Soda
Kazuhiro Soda
Kazuhiro Soda
Director of Photography
Kazuhiro Soda
Kazuhiro Soda
Kiyoko Kashiwagi
Kiyoko Kashiwagi

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